
Shaping the Future of Higher Education: CEO Insights on the Impact of the Universities Accord

Shaping the Future of Higher Education: CEO Insights on the Impact of the Universities Accord Beau Leese, CEO and co-founder of Practera, had the honour of presenting to the National Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (NAGCAS) colleagues on the potential impacts of the Universities Accord on educational access. This presentation required diving deep into […]... Read More

Experiential Learning in Business Schools and beyond

Experiential Learning in Business Schools and beyond It was a pleasure to join Beau Leese, Wes Sonnenreich and Jane Hallett from Practera recently in London for a stimulating and enjoyable round table with colleagues from a number of UK university business schools. The event was framed with thought leadership from Kate Ross, Workforce Education and […]... Read More

Will the cart be leading the horse? Exploring the impact of measuring placement activity on university employability strategies

Will the cart be leading the horse? Exploring the impact of measuring placement activity on university employability strategies: The emphasis on OffVenueActivity (OVA) in the UK’s Higher Education Statistics Agency’s Data Futures model indicates a shift in focus on the role played by in-curriculum placements and other work-related activity that takes place away from campus. […]... Read More

Enhancing Skills Development in Work-Based Learning: A Vital Imperative for Higher Education Educators

Enhancing Skills Development in Work-Based Learning: A Vital Imperative for Higher Education Educators In today’s rapidly changing job market, the traditional model of higher education is facing a growing challenge. The demand for job-ready graduates with practical, real-world skills is rising. As a result, higher education institutions and educators must adapt their strategies to ensure […]... Read More

We are delighted to be welcoming Kate Daubney PFHEA FRSA to the Practera Team

We are delighted to be welcoming Kate Daubney PFHEA FRSA to the Practera Team We are delighted to be welcoming Dr. Kate Daubney PFHEA FRSA to Practera as a UK based member of our Advisory Board. Kate is an eminent senior executive and thought leader in Careers & Employability, recently finishing a role as Director […]... Read More

The Future of Leadership: Embracing Change and Transformation

What Does the Term Future of Leadership Mean, and How Does Student Industry Experience and Graduate Employability Impact it The future of leadership refers to the evolving nature of leadership in the coming years, taking into account the changing global landscape, technological advancements, and shifting societal expectations. In today’s rapidly evolving world, the concept of […]... Read More

Virtual Internships: Connecting Students and Companies

Virtual internships involve adapting the traditional onsite internship model for the contemporary virtual world. COVID-19’s impacts have proven that leveraging innovative digital technologies – like Practera’s – allows educators, companies and students to continue their activities in a disrupted world. In fact, it has highlighted the many benefits of moving online – such as enhanced […]... Read More

The Advantages of Virtual Internships for Educators and Students

Breaking Down Barriers to Top-Tier Jobs: The Inclusive Benefits of Virtual Internships & Online Industry Projects In today’s ever-evolving job market, students need to gain real-world experience to stand out from the competition. However, traditional internships often come with barriers such as geographic limitations, lack of accessibility for those with disabilities, and financial constraints. Virtual […]... Read More

How Student Team Research Solutions Can Help SMEs Thrive: Unlocking the Power of Collaborative Research

Benefits of Student Team Research Solutions for SMEs As a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) owner, you understand the importance of research and development for the growth and success of your business. However, conducting research projects can be time-consuming and expensive and often requires specialized skills and expertise. That’s where student-team research solutions come in. […]... Read More

Essential Tips for Graduates Looking to Start a Career in Consulting

Consulting is a popular career choice for graduates, offering a unique and exciting opportunity to help clients achieve their goals. However, starting on the right foot can be challenging. The industry is known for its high expectations and demanding work schedule—so if you hope to succeed, it’s crucial to be on the ball and know […]... Read More

Educators’ Guide to PBL

Project-based learning is a teaching method that is gaining popularity among educators across the world. This innovative approach to teaching involves creating real-life projects for students to work on, which are designed to challenge and engage them while also allowing them to learn new skills and acquire knowledge. As an educator, you play a critical […]... Read More

Examples of Job Qualifications: What Skills Do Employers Want?

If you want to succeed in today’s competitive job landscape, you’ll need specific skills, assets, and knowledge to get ahead. We call these abilities ‘job qualifications’. Employers value applicants with credible qualifications because they refer to a person’s relevant experience, personal attributes, and skills necessary to succeed in a job. In this article, you’ll find out […]... Read More

The Benefits of Internship Placements: How You Can Accelerate Your Career

If you’re looking for a way to accelerate your career and boost your chances of landing a full-time job after graduation, internships offer the perfect opportunity. Not only will you develop job-ready skills, but you’ll also enhance your resume, make crucial connections, and obtain many other benefits. In this article, you’ll learn what internships are, […]... Read More

What Skills Are Employers Looking For in Graduates?

In 2022, more applicants than ever before hold higher education qualifications. This jump in education levels and experience creates more job market competition—so how can graduates stand out and succeed? Well, it all starts with employability skills—broad-reaching abilities and competencies that help graduates impress employers and secure a job. In this article, we’ll lay down […]... Read More

What is an Internship and Why are they Important?

Many students approaching graduation worry about the prospect of finding a job without experience. It’s a real concern, too, with many entry-level jobs favouring applicants with relevant experience, skills, and industry connections. Well, there’s one clear way to solve this problem—internships! Real-world placements in genuine working environments, such as Practera’s industry experience programs, can help […]... Read More

What is Social Learning & How Can It Be Applied in Higher Education?

Socialisation is a critical aspect of human learning, from our earliest moments through to school, university, working life, and beyond. Every day, everywhere, we learn from observing how other people behave, even if we don’t notice it. A popular pedagogical principle known as social learning theory stems from this idea. In this article, we’ll dive […]... Read More

How Learning Analytics Can Drive Student Engagement & Optimise Learning Experiences

All higher education institutions collect data about students, from classroom attendance to grade performance and beyond. But what if we could analyse this data to gain intelligent insights, optimise learning experiences, and drive stronger engagement? A specialised model known as learning analytics makes this all possible. By reading this article, you’ll learn more about learning […]... Read More

Unlocking Student Engagement & Flexibility With Computer-Based Learning

With the rise of distance and hybrid learning, universities and higher education institutions must find ways to keep classroom content engaging and accessible. Maintaining a cohesive learning environment can be challenging with learners spread across the country (and sometimes the globe). Computer-based learning is one proven strategy for solving this problem. By communicating and collaborating […]... Read More

Learner Experience: What It Is & Why It Matters for Your Students

The learner experience is a key driver of engagement and success. It determines how learners progress through a training program, whether they fail or succeed, and university outcomes, including graduate outcomes and retention rates. The modern university’s focus on the learner experience encourages teachers to provide a more personalised, relevant, and engaging education.  In this […]... Read More

The Benefits of Action Learning Projects for Higher Education & Leadership Development

In today’s world, students face endless distractions and ever-evolving choices. Information bombards them from every direction—be it the news, social media, or their family and friends.  It’s no longer enough to deliver lectures, exams, and assignments and expect students to remain engaged! Educators must embrace new approaches, such as action learning, to keep students motivated […]... Read More

Powering Higher Education Student Employability With Project Learning & Award Winning Authentic Industry Experience Programs.

Powering Higher Education Student Employability With Project Learning & Award Winning Authentic Industry Experience Programs. Pilot Our Program For Free The world is changing fast, and so is the workplace. By the end of 2022, 16% of the world’s companies will be 100% remote, while 85% of Managers believe remote working teams will soon become […]... Read More

Enhancing Higher Education Employability with Experiential Learning

The world is changing fast—and so is the workplace. Traditional educational approaches are no longer enough to prepare students for this evolving landscape. Today’s employers seek innovative graduates with 21st-century skills like confidence, creativity, and critical thinking. It’s vital to instil these skills to help your students excel in our dynamic working world—and experiential learning […]... Read More

The Future of Leadership: How Your Students Can Prepare for a Changing Workforce

With the advance in technology, the way we work is changing. By the end of 2022, 16% of the world’s companies will be 100% remote, while 85% of managers believe remote working teams will soon become the new norm. The statistics are clear. There’s no denying the growing trends shaping the way we work today. […]... Read More

Why Experiential Virtual Reality Learning is a Game-Changer for Higher Education

Modern students are more immersed in technology than ever before, using it to study, work, socialise, play games, watch movies and TV shows, and so much more.  Universities are taking advantage of this love of technology to create engaging learning experiences in the virtual world. Students can enjoy new and fascinating experiences across amazing digital […]... Read More

Learning Through Experience: The Value of Immersive Learning in University

Learning Through Experience: The Value of Immersive Learning in University All educators know how difficult it can be to keep students motivated and engaged. The lack of real-world experience in traditional classrooms can lead to boredom and disinterest. Today’s students long for more realistic, engaging content directly connecting to their coursework. Thankfully, the immersive learning […]... Read More

Growing Trends in Higher Education and How Experiential Learning Can Help

Growing Trends in Higher Education and How Experiential Learning Can Help Higher education is undergoing major changes. With the post pandemic, the growth of AI and machine learning, and an ever-changing social and political climate, students have different expectations and needs than just three years ago. As educators, it’s important to be aware of these […]... Read More

Microlearning: The Key To Student Engagement

Traditional university classes and lectures can last for hours, with student interest and retention waning as time goes on. How can we help these learners stay focused? Microlearning is the solution. This approach is gaining traction in higher education institutions worldwide thanks to its flexibility, affordability, and fantastic benefits for students. This article will dive […]... Read More

The Value of Active Learning: Higher Education

The Value of Active Learning: Higher Education Students who are active and engaged in class are more likely to excel academically—and find work after graduation. They also form stronger bonds with teachers and peers and retain more knowledge. As educators, how can we maintain participation and engagement across diverse learners? Active learning is one powerful […]... Read More

Why Hybrid Learning is the Future for Higher Education Students and Experiential Learning

Over the past few years, the way we think about work and learning has changed. Changing attitudes have made in-person work and learning less critical and online alternatives significantly more widespread. While digital learning is powerful and convenient, in-person education still has invaluable benefits. Some skills and knowledge points are still best learned through a […]... Read More

Enhance Research Projects for Students with Experiential Learning

Helping students better retain and understand the information they teach is an integral part of being an educator. In higher education settings, teachers are constantly striving to improve educational and employment outcomes for their students—but what approach actually works? Well, according to the latest research, experiential learning is one of the most powerful ways to […]... Read More

How Collaborative and Experiential Learning Foster Professional Growth in Higher Education

In our ever-changing and highly competitive world, the role of higher education institutions in fostering professional growth is more important than ever. That’s why today’s educators are always looking for new and innovative ways to help students achieve career success.  You’ve probably heard about the common catch-22 situation of needing experience to get an entry-level […]... Read More

How Gamified Learning Increases Productivity and Engagement in Higher Education

Today’s educators are always looking for new, motivating, and powerful ways to engage students. Two popular modern methods are gamified and project-based learning—but what’s involved in these pedagogies, and what makes them so effective? You’ll find all the answers you need in this article!    What is gamified learning? Gamified learning is an educational approach that […]... Read More

The Importance of Experiential Learning for Adults

Are you looking for a fresh, impactful way to engage your adult learners and guarantee their success after graduation? Do you know what the importance of experiential learning for adults is? Experiential learning, a modern alternative to traditional education, is the answer.  Read on to learn more about how and why this pedagogy is so […]... Read More

Best Skills to Teach Your Learners in 2023 to Increase Their Employability

Why is skill-building so important for future-proofing careers? In today’s world, the way we work is rapidly shifting. With new technologies arriving faster than we can count, how can we help our students succeed? The answer is education. By constantly developing new skills and building upon existing ones, students can stay ahead of the game […]... Read More

Get Your Students Industry-Ready with An Online Project-Based Learning Platform

In today’s digitally-driven world, educators are discovering new ways to deliver experiential learning experiences such as project-based learning. Through online tools such as video conferencing software, messaging apps, and simulated work environments, educators can still help students become industry-ready through a project-based learning platform and educational experiences. Find out more about the power of an […]... Read More

Experiential Learning in Higher Education: Why It Works

What Is Experiential Learning? Experiential learning is an innovative educational pedagogy that embraces action, experimentation, and personal reflection. It sees the learning process and its outcomes not as two separate issues, but as interwoven parts of a whole. Educational theorist David Kolb published his first Experiential Learning Model (ELM) in 1984. It revolves around four […]... Read More

Boost Graduate Employability with Experiential Learning

Are you looking to boost graduate employment outcomes within your learning institution? Experiential learning is the answer. But—you might be wondering—what is experiential learning, and how does it boost graduate employability? Is there any proof of a connection between the two? We’ll answer these burning questions and more in this article.  What is graduate employability? […]... Read More

How to Prepare Graduates for Employment in Our Ever-Changing World

In today’s world, the way we work is rapidly changing. With modern technologies on the rise, the growth of remote working, and ever-evolving global expectations, how can higher education institutions help graduates succeed? In this article, we’ll discuss how you can prepare graduates for employment and help students achieve their goals as they enter the […]... Read More

Using Experiential Learning to Develop Career Readiness Skills in Your Students

To succeed in today’s competitive working world, students need more than basic qualifications—they need a range of skills to help them get their foot in the door and advance through their career ranks. Experiential learning is one of the best ways learning institutions can build career readiness skills in their students boost employment outcomes. But […]... Read More

A Guide To Implementing Project-Based Learning in Higher Education

In the 1960s, a new wave of inquiry into the nature of learning and instruction emerged as a response to changing conceptions of students as workers and learners. In this context, project-based learning (PBL or PBJL) came about as a way to focus on developing skills for real-world contexts instead of the traditional approach, which […]... Read More

Preparing Students For The Workplace with Experiential Learning

The working world is forever changing. Traditional educational methods no longer apply to many real-world working scenarios. As educators, how can we effectively go about preparing students for the workplace? The answer is experiential learning—an innovative, 21st-century educational approach that focuses on learning through experience. In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know […]... Read More

What Is Learning Agility & How Can Educators Develop This Skill In Students?

As forces like globalisation, rapid technological development and changing business strategies continue to impact the workforce, it is more important than ever for students to develop the new skills to continue learning throughout their careers. While imparting academic knowledge, educators can also help students to establish learning agility – known in other words as ‘figuring […]... Read More

AU$1M Experiential Learning Innovation Grants Program to help >100,000 young people build employability skills

AU$1M Experiential Learning Innovation Grants Program to help >100,000 young people build employability skills Round 4 Expression of Interest Due Thu Oct 21. Click here for UK applications and here for AU applications Australian edtech startup Practera has distributed more than AU$785,000  in in-kind grants to 21 Australian Universities to accelerate online experiential learning programs […]... Read More

10 Employability Skills Universities Need to Teach Students

What Are Employability Skills? The term ‘employability skills’ describes a group of core transferable skills and personal characteristics employers look for in potential job candidates. Applicants with these skills are attractive to future employers because they are more likely to perform effectively and become valuable team members. If you are teaching university students, you can […]... Read More

Practera advances to the semifinals of the $5M XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling Competition

Practera is one of 8 teams from 4 countries who have advanced to the semifinalist round of the $5M XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling Competition, a three-year competition reimagining the future of work and transforming how we train and educate workers. As a semifinalist, Practera will now enter the large-scale field testing stage of the competition, in […]... Read More

The Benefits of Work Integrated Learning for Educators and Employers

Work Integrated Learning provides opportunities for students to complete real-world work experiences that support both academic outcomes and boost their employment prospects. Participation in Work Integrated Learning benefits students, educators and employers by building networks and enhancing outcomes for all those involved. What Is Work Integrated Learning and Why Is It Becoming So Popular? Work […]... Read More

Practera partners with the London School of Economics and Political Science to Scale Work-Based Learning Opportunities

22 July 2021 — LSE Careers has partnered with experiential learning provider Practera to deliver digital industry project learning programmes for their students on the Practera platform. Teams of students are working on virtual consultancy projects for real industry clients ranging from charities and sustainability initiatives to creative industries and marketing.  Director, LSE Careers, Lizzie […]... Read More

What Is the Experiential Learning Theory of David Kolb?

Experiential learning theory is about learning by doing. Developed by psychologist David Kolb, the theory describes the learning process whereby knowledge is created through experience. Kolb’s theory explains that concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation form a four-stage process (or cycle) transformed into effective learning. Applying Kolb’s learning theory has benefits for […]... Read More

Project Based Learning: Benefits and Techniques of PBL

Project-based learning (PBL) enables students to learn deeply and develop core employability skills through participating in real work projects and experiences. It has benefits for students, education institutions and industry. With Practera’s support, organising project-based learning is cost-effective and simple. What is project-based learning? Project-based learning (PBL) is a teaching method that drives student learning […]... Read More

Delivering Student Project-learning at Scale & Remotely- Watch The Webinar

Webinar – Delivering Student Project-learning at Scale Missed our live webinar? Click the link below and watch our webinar video. To equip students with the skills and capabilities they need for the future of work, educators seek to deliver a range of experiential learning programs in and around the curriculum. However, experiential learning with high […]... Read More

The Complete Guide To Work Integrated Learning

What is Work Integrated Learning (WIL)? The term ‘work integrated learning’ (WIL) describes purposeful and supervised learning programs and activities that connect university students with real-world work experiences with an industry or community partner in their field of study. WIL is all about integrating what you study in the classroom with its workplace application. WIL […]... Read More

Practera advances to the next round of the $5M XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling Competition.

$5M XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling Competition Practera is proud to be one of 10 teams globally advancing to the qualified teams round of the $5M XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling Competition, sponsored by nonprofit venture philanthropy organization New Profit in partnership with Jobs for the Future (JFF). Working with future-focused workforce boards across the US, Practera will develop and demonstrate breakthrough experiential learning solutions […]... Read More

Happy Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year marks one year since the start of the current pandemic for most people. As we usher in the year of the OX, let’s hope it bring along what it stands for. A year of calmness, stability, great opportunity and economic prosperity. Wishing all our partners, friends, students and families around the […]... Read More

How Can Universities Ensure Students are Work-Ready With Virtual Experiences?

Dino Willox director of student employability at the University of Queensland, and Laura-Anne Bull executive director for academic partnerships at Practera, explain how to develop employability skills virtually especially after the upheaval of Covid-19 to Times Higher Education The Campus. They emphasise that while there are plenty of options for enhancing employability virtually,  it is […]... Read More

King’s Careers & Employability partners with Practera

We are excited to kickstart 2021 by announcing a new partnership between Practera and King’s College London. The King’s Careers & Employability team will be using the Practera platform to deliver digital industry projects for students to gain professional insights and develop essential employability skills needed for a modern career. We look forward to unfolding the partnership and its digital […]... Read More

Practera powered Job Smart Edge wins prestigious global education award

Practera is very proud to be part of The University of Sydney Business School’s Job Smart Edge “BIG” program win at the Global QS Quacquarelli Symonds “Reimagine Education Awards”. Job Smart Edge is The University of Sydney’s Employability program powered by Practera. The program prepares young people for a rapidly shifting future through access to […]... Read More

The Practera team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

As 2020 draws to a close the Practera team wishes you and your families a happy festive season, and a bright, healthy 2021.  In particular, all our love and support to those who are unable to see friends and family this year.  In 2020 we were privileged to be able to continue with our mission […]... Read More

Northeastern University partners with Practera to drive digital experiential learning

Northeastern University Chancellor Ken Henderson will be the keynote speaker on Wednesday 9 September at the Melbourne Edtech summit, interviewed by The Australian Education Editor... Read More

Professor Laura-Anne Bull joins Practera to drive Academic Partnerships.

Practera is pleased to welcome Professor Laura-Anne Bull to the team as Executive Director of Academic Partnerships. As a recent Deputy Vice-Chancellor Students, committed digital... Read More

Practera platform allowed learning to go on during virus shutdown

A version of this article about our Practera programs was first published in The Australian on 19 Feb 2020. Around Australia, Universities are currently responding to a serious challenge – how to support the international students – predominantly from China – whose commencement has been impacted by novel Coronavirus. As of the first week of February, 106,680 Chinese […]... Read More

Practera Nano Projects: How we run successful team-based industry projects for students – 100% online

We often see surprised faces when we talk about our success in partnering with universities to provide our Nano Projects: full-service authentic work experiences for their students – 100% online and at the lowest cost in the market. That’s why we decided to write about how it works and what the experience is like for students, […]... Read More

Christmas Newsletter 2019

As 2019 draws to a close the Practera team wish you and your families a happy festive season and bright 2020. We’ve had an awesome 2019 and hope you have too. PRACTERA CUSTOMER SUCCESS Enabling inspiring experiential learning programs We’re very proud that in 2019 we helped more educators deliver high quality experiential learning to […]... Read More

Practera Projects Programs Shortlisted for the Wharton-QS Reimagine Education Award

We are extremely proud to announce that our “Projects Programs” for Business Students have been shortlisted for the Wharton-QS Reimagine Education Nurturing Employability Award. Up against over 1500 applications from educational innovators from 39 countries we convinced the judges with our proven results of more than 3,000 students who boosted their employability skills through our […]... Read More

Edtech Startup Practera opens Perth office

Experiential learning startup Practera will open a Perth office to work more closely with customers in WA, including making the Practera platform available to all 50,000 international students through StudyPerth’s “Employability Perth” initiative. Speaking at the 2019 Australian International Education Conference (AIEC) in Perth today, StudyPerth Executive Director Philip Payne said, “Through digital technologies, we are […]... Read More

Edtech startup Practera invests in Queensland HQ

Experiential learning edtech company Practera has appointed a Queensland leader & partnerships and opened a Brisbane office to work more closely with customers in the state. Practera Co-Founder & Co-CEO Beau Leese said, “I was privileged to work closely with Study Queensland over the past 12 months as an education innovator in residence. I found that […]... Read More

Practera helps put a lawyer in students’ pockets with groundbreaking mobile app

Macquarie University has today become the first tertiary institution to launch the My Legal Mate (MLM) legal advisory app to all 11,000 of its international students. MLM is an innovative new mobile app offering on-the-go legal information to international students in NSW, developed by Redfern Legal Centre on the Practera platform. Funded and supported by […]... Read More

How can Sydney educate 100M students by 2050?

International education over the past 10 years has been an enormous success story for Australia, and nowhere more than Sydney. According to Study NSW, more than 260,000 onshore students, $13bn in exports, 95,000 jobs and double digit annual growth over the past 5 years. So what will international education look like in 2050? How can Sydney benefit […]... Read More

$2M for edtech company Practera to develop world leading student data privacy technology

Education Technology (EdTech) startup Practera and its collaboration partners have been awarded $1.995 million in government funding as part of a $7.45M project to develop a data privacy protection product for online student data. Practera’s was one of sixteen projects awarded a total of $30 million by the Commonwealth’s Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) Round 7 grants […]... Read More

Bold new plan to make Queensland a global skills destination

Queensland is set to attract its “unfair share” of global talent following the launch of Australia’s largest ever student career development drive. International Education Ministerial Champion Kate Jones today launched the Study Queensland Talent Program which will be available to all students studying in Queensland. The Study Queensland Talent Program will offer new employer engagement programs to all students […]... Read More

Practera Global Skills Passport App to support 12,000 Cairns-based students

Study Cairns has partnered with Study Queensland to launch a “world first” pilot program aimed at helping students get a foothold in the Cairns job market. The Start Here, Go Anywhere Global Skills Passport is an app platform for 12,000 international and domestic students to build portfolios of globally relevant skills. This app launch is part of Study Cairns Connects – […]... Read More

CRC Association partners with Practera to build Australia’s applied R&D skills

The CRC Association has partnered with edtech startup Practera to support the education and knowledge transfer activities of CRCs with the Practera experiential learning & micro-credentialing platform. CRC Association CEO Tony Peacock announced the partnership during last week’s Collaborate | Innovate | 2019 conference. He said “The CRC Association is pleased to announce our partnership with […]... Read More

Practera Newsletter May 2019

This month in experiential learning Industry news, customer success stories and product updates. Hi there, Practera works with educators around the world at the frontier of experiential learning for the future of work. Here is a snapshot of leading thinking and practice. WHAT WE ARE READING Interesting news in the world of experiential learning Forbes published a […]... Read More

Study Melbourne Live Projects Program 2019/20 bigger and better than ever!

Practera is grateful and excited to have been re-appointed by Study Melbourne to extend the innovative LIVE Projects program successfully connecting international students with employers through 2019/20 LIVE Projects is an initiative of the Victorian Government delivered in partnership with education providers and enabled by experiential learning technology company Practera. This initiative offers opportunities for international students to undertake real […]... Read More

University of Melbourne launches innovative app to support and engage international students during their first month in Melbourne

Arriving in a new city is always difficult for international students. But Practera can help! The Global Exchange Challenge is a team-based, extracurricular program for international students and exchange alumni at the University of Melbourne. The program helps students feel welcomed to campus, navigate the city of Melbourne, make the most of student life and […]... Read More

University of Melbourne students building real world skills in the Practera Global Trade Accelerator program

It’s a wrap! Congratulations to all 14 teams of the Global Trade Accelerator Program from the University of Melbourne after completing 6 weeks of teamwork and Market Research for Australian exporting companies. A chance for students to practice their employability skills The Global Trade Accelerator provides students virtual work integrated learning projects with Australian exporters & trade organisations at […]... Read More

Practera launches ready-to-go learning apps for innovative educators who need to help students build employability skills

Practera, Australia’s leading experiential learning startup, today announced Practera GO, a new solution that provides everything needed to launch world-class employability programs without worrying about large budgets, new learning content or complex administrative overhead.  A trend towards employability skills in Higher Ed In recent years, higher education institutions have faced a new trend that requires adjustment to […]... Read More

Practera Newsletter April 2019

This month in experiential learning Industry news, customer success stories and product updates. Hi there, Practera works with educators around the world at the frontier of experiential learning for the future of work. Here is a snapshot of leading thinking and practice. WHAT WE ARE READING Interesting news in the world of experiential learning Northeastern University found that […]... Read More

Practera enables groundbreaking personalised legal assistance app

RLC international student solicitor Sean Stimson with the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore, Sydney Town Hall. Image courtesy of Katherine Griffiths/City of Sydney. Redfern Legal Centre is partnering with Sydney edtech provider Practera to deliver My Legal Mate, a legal assistant in international students’ pockets Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore welcomed international students to the […]... Read More

Global Skills Passport for Australia Awards Indonesia Scholars

A group of students posing in front of Australia Awards Scholarships banner The Australian Government has launched a national skills micro-credentialing pilot – the Global Skills Passport – through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) Australia Awards Indonesia (AAI) program. Through the pilot, 400 AAI Scholars will create an e-portfolio of enrichment experiences on the […]... Read More

Building Future Skills Through Experiential Learning and Micro-Credentialing

The accelerating pace of technology-driven change is transforming the future of work faster than ever before. Some 30 per cent of the jobs that today’s students are studying for are under threat from automation by 2030. The World Economic Forum claims that the gap between what people learn and the skills they need is widening, […]... Read More

Student talent for business growth

With the University year commencing around the country, now is a great time to consider how engaging with students in 2019 could add value to your business. With some 2 million students in some form of tertiary education in Australia, employers of any size have access to a diverse, skilled pooled of talent from Australia […]... Read More

Seasons Wishes from Practera

On behalf of our team, we hope you and your families have a wonderful and safe holiday season. We’re ending the year energized and with deep gratitude you, our customers and partners. With your support, we’ve been able to help tens of thousands of students and industry partners have positive and life-changing professional learning experiences. […]... Read More

Practera Product Update – November 2018

Better Feedback Loops for Experiential Learning We learn best from experience. And an integral part of this experiential learning is based around feedback. Without frequent feedback, learning doesn’t happen. That’s why we have focused on the robust reflective learning and feedback cycle and are happy to share with you the outcomes today. Providing a new […]... Read More

Experiential Learning Examples

Beyond traditional internships and professional placements there are a variety of experiential learning options that bring industry into the classroom, provide real-work contexts for practice and support critical reflection. Like classroom curriculum that starts with introductory material before progressing to advanced, experiential learning can be scaffolded in order to build up competency prior to students […]... Read More

Edtech startup rebrands around its Practera platform to take technology to the world

Today our company Intersective is marking a new phase of growth with a change of our primary company brand – from Intersective, to Practera. This shift recognises the centrality of our Practera platform to our mission of powering a world of experiential learning. Practera is gaining increasing recognition as a leading experiential learning platform by […]... Read More

Practera wins NSW Government Award for Digital Work Experience Network for international students

Today Practera (formerly Intersective) has won the International Student Community and Business Engagement Award for 2018 for the NSW Global Scope Program at the NSW International Student Awards at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney. The Award was presented to Program Manager Alison Li, herself a former international student from China, by Minister Niall […]... Read More

Hands-on learning techniques equip students to thrive in the workforce

As published in The Australian,  19.09.2018 There is a gap between the knowledge students learn and the skills they need to succeed. This is not an original insight. Confucius and Sophocles remarked on this fact more than 2000 years ago, and an entire field of thought, scholarship and practice in experiential learning has followed them. […]... Read More

International student work experience network a boost for South Australian companies

The South Australian Government has partnered with edtech startup Intersective to launch and pilot a new program to give international students at SA universities the opportunity to gain work experience in local businesses, strengthening their cultural immersion and language skills. 143 international students from the University of Adelaide, Flinders University, UniSA and Torrens University undertook […]... Read More

Let’s talk section above footer – Practera

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