Learner Experience: What It Is & Why It Matters for Your Students

The learner experience is a key driver of engagement and success. It determines how learners progress through a training program, whether they fail or succeed, and university outcomes, including graduate outcomes and retention rates.

The modern university’s focus on the learner experience encourages teachers to provide a more personalised, relevant, and engaging education. 

In this article, you’ll discover what it is, how it matters, and how you can design high-quality experiences for your students.

What is learner experience?

The learner experience is the sum of a person’s emotions, perceptions, and cognitive processes while learning. This type of learning looks beyond the quality of the outcome and its presentation, considering the entire experience from start to end.

When discussing the learner experience in higher education settings, we must also consider learner experience (LX) design. This process involves designing and creating goal-oriented, human-centred learning experiences.

LX design combines various educational elements, including instructional design, experiential learning, project-based learning, and cognitive psychology, to create a highly engaging and valuable experience for learners.

Now, let’s discuss the three main aspects of the learner experience and how you might apply them in your next learning program.

Leaner experience online

Individual learner experience

The individual learner experience regards each student’s experience while learning. It involves their personal goals, needs, expectations, skills, and feelings—all aspects we must consider in the LX design process.

In higher education settings, some critical elements of a meaningful learning experience include engagement, content proficiency, and retention. These aspects reflect the educational quality and student success, which is why good LX design is so important.

Want to learn more? Download the ‘Quality in Online Project-Based Learning’ white paper to see how top institutions are using experiential learning.

Group learner experience

The group learner experience, as you might expect, is about how each group member moves through the learning journey. This includes how well the group works together, its members’ diversity, and each member’s ability to express their unique perspectives and ideas.

A positive group experience will allow every member to offer equal contributions, feel recognised and understood, and make their mark on a project’s process and outcome. Communication within the group should be reciprocal and respectful.

Blended learning experience

Blended learning experiences combine group and learner experiences to form an overarching plan. These experiences typically include online or distance learning along with traditional in-person classes.

Modern universities must focus on designing a positive blended learning experience to achieve high-quality learning outcomes. Some ways to improve the experience include:

  • Offering online chat and collaboration features
  • Using video chat technology, such as Zoom, to mimic the classroom experience in the digital space
  • Creating a healthy balance of online learning and in-person classes
  • Defining clear objectives
  • Teaching self-motivation skills

These steps can reduce the confusion and isolation online and distance learning can cause, ensuring students remain engaged with class content.

What is learner experience design?

As we touched on above, learner experience design (LX design) is the process of researching, planning, and creating transformative learning experiences. It’s vital for educators hoping to achieve the desired outcomes for their students.

Good LX design is goal-oriented, human-centred, experiential, and focused on genuine learning. Below, we’ll dive deeper into these elements and why they matter.


Primarily, the learner experience should focus on the human—that is, the learner themselves and whoever they may interact with throughout the learning process. This includes other group members, teachers, peers, and mentors.

Human-centred learning aims to ensure learners have control over their education, leading to stronger engagement and higher retention rates. It’s also a fantastic way to build leadership skills as learners take ownership of their education.

Human-centred design requires a solid understanding of your student cohort. The best way to achieve this is to work with your students as you create learning plans, ask questions, and take their feedback on board.

Knowing each student’s unique goals, interests, background, and learning style is also important to design experiences that meet their needs.


The learning experience is better for educators and learners when there are clear objectives in place. These objectives guide the learning process, defining the purpose of the training and the desired end goal.

Setting goals motivates learners to work towards them, especially as they move closer and closer to the outcome. You can also keep your students engaged throughout the course of a project by setting intermittent goals.

Genuine learning

The learning environment should also be genuine, focusing on meaningful connections, thoughts, and interactions. This ties in with David Kolb’s experiential learning theory, which emphasises authentic opportunities with genuine, real-world impacts. 

Focusing on the learning process, rather than solely on instruction, teaching, or outcomes, allows educators to better understand how and why students learn.

Importance of learner experience in university

Why is learners’ experience important?

A meaningful learning experience is critical because it directly impacts the process and outcome of a training course or project. Learners are at the centre of everything higher education institutions do. Without learners, there are no disciplines, lectures, projects, teachers… the list goes on.

Degrees are about more than the piece of paper a student receives upon graduating! These courses often require years of study—and if this experience isn’t supportive, engaging, and positive, students are unlikely to make a strong transition into the working world.

Using good LX design, you can:

  • Promote and enhance student learning;
  • Maximise knowledge acquisition and results;
  • Boost student satisfaction;
  • Improve graduate outcomes and university rankings.

A positive learning experience drives students to succeed and prepares them with employability skills necessary for success after graduation. It also builds positive reputations for higher education institutions.

The 4 elements of a great learner experience

A great learner experience comprises four main elements. Let’s go into more detail about them now.

1. Understanding learners

The best way to deliver a learning experience that benefits your students is to understand their interests, desires, and needs. Each student is different, with unique learning styles, and it’s essential to acknowledge these differences to achieve optimal outcomes.

For example, some students may learn best through written instruction, while others may prefer direct experimentation. Offering student-led projects, where students guide their personal learning journeys, is a terrific way to ensure each individual has the best chance at success.

2. Experiential learning

Experiential learning is a pedagogy involving active participation in the learning process. It is a form of ‘learning by doing’, although it doesn’t necessarily require physical acts, as long as the learner immerses themselves in the learning content.

One of the most famous proponents of experiential learning was educational theorist David Kolb. He developed a four-stage experiential learning model, including concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation, and active experimentation.

This approach to education is highly motivating because it helps learners connect class content and real-life scenarios. It tackles age-old student questions like ‘when am I ever going to use algebra in real life?’

3. Engagement and motivation

A positive learner experience will engage and motivate students both intrinsically and extrinsically. Intrinsic motivation, driven by self-determination, personal interest, and relatedness, is especially important.

Extrinsic motivational tools like games, rewards, and prizes can help too—but don’t focus on them completely.

Project-based learning is one fantastic way to keep learners engaged. It involves students guiding the learning process and working through projects with real-world relevance, which studies have shown is highly intrinsically motivating.

4. Sensory layer

The sensory layer involves a student’s sensory experience as they learn. This can include sounds, sights, smells, and physical sensations.

To design an effective learner experience, you’ll need to consider all these senses. 

Focus on the following:

  • Tone of your written and verbal content and instructions;
  • Overall mood of the physical environment;
  • Visual design of any materials you use;
  • Way you frame goals and messages;
  • Usability of physical and digital tools;
  • Diversity and accessibility of classroom content.

These aspects can impact how students think and feel about the learning journey, impacting intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Higher education learning experience

How is learner experience influenced by the learning environment?

Drawing on our above point, the learning environment (including physical and emotional aspects) directly impacts the learner experience.

Studies show classroom conditions impact student learning and motivation, including their participation in academic activities, attendance, and personal behaviour.

Creating a positive learning environment is another essential element of good LX design.

How Practera’s project-based learning services can help 

Project-based learning incorporates many elements of good LX design, including meaning, relevance, and a goal-oriented, human-centred focus. 

If you’re looking for a simple, cost-effective, and powerful way to deliver project-based learning objectives in your classroom, Practera is the way to do it! Discover our authentic industry experience program where we can bring your students to work on real-world projects with Australian and global employers. We offer numerous services to facilitate this process, including internships, client sourcing and matching, participant support, quality assurance, and more.

Delivering these project learning experiences is easier than ever with Practera, thanks to our managed services. We’ll manage invoices and payments, assign students with clients, and offer continuous support throughout the industry programs. You’ll also have access to live analytics with our platform, as well as pre-built templates, a detailed analytics dashboard, and a powerful AI-based support assistant.

We have successfully helped hundreds of universities and educators in empowering their students with industry-ready career skills through our services and authentic high-quality industry programs.

To get started with Practera, get in touch with a member of our friendly team today. Alternatively, you can download our project-based learning white paper to learn more or trial our industry experience program for free here.

Boost your skills and employability with Practera and learn more about the importance of experiential learning today.


The Benefits of Action Learning Projects for Higher Education & Leadership Development

In today’s world, students face endless distractions and ever-evolving choices. Information bombards them from every direction—be it the news, social media, or their family and friends. 

It’s no longer enough to deliver lectures, exams, and assignments and expect students to remain engaged!

Educators must embrace new approaches, such as action learning, to keep students motivated and prepare them for the future of work.

In this article, you’ll learn about what action learning is, how it works, and how you can use the transformative approach to improve outcomes and develop leadership skills in your classroom.

What is action learning?

Action learning is a form of active, project-based learning where learners apply knowledge to solve real-world problems.

Among other benefits, action learning helps students develop core skills and competencies by working on projects relevant to their future goals. Over a project’s course, students learn through investigation, self-reflection, and feedback.

Typically, action learning works best with small groups, allowing members to share skills and make equal contributions. It will include the following elements:

  • Planning (i.e. what are our goals and how do we plan to achieve them?)
  • Acting (i.e. carrying out plans and actions)
  • Reflecting (i.e. what went well, what didn’t, and how we feel about the project?)
  • Learning (i.e. why did the project succeed/not succeed, and what can we change or improve upon next time?)

This process helps participants think critically about their actions and identify which steps helped them achieve their goals. It follows the idea that many students perform better and are more engaged with class content when ‘learning by doing’.

Action learning projects in university

Types of action learning

There are always ways to apply action learning techniques in the classroom, regardless of the subject you teach. The approach is beneficial for students learning everything, from hospitality skills to computer science!

Some popular types of action learning projects include:

  • Action research, an applied field involving learners in generating and collecting data to solve a problem or answer a question.
  • Action teaching, where learners develop, design, and implement instructional units for students and assess their effects on learning outcomes.
  • Problem-based action learning (PBL), which focuses on solving problems relevant to the learner’s work environment, personal life, and goals. It includes deep reflection and critical thinking about the problem-solving process itself.

Each type of action learning has a similar goal—to actively immerse students in the learning process, leading to higher engagement, stronger retention, and an overall enhanced experience for educators and students alike.

Action learning is also a valuable way to build hard and soft skills in your students, including those essential for leadership, such as conflict resolution, strategic thinking, and open communication.

Want to learn more? Download the ‘Quality in Online Project-Based Learning’ white paper to see how top institutions are using experiential learning.

Role of a facilitator

In action learning, the facilitator— often the teacher—has the essential role of ‘holding the process’. In other words, they must ensure the project’s course focuses on real issues and genuine learning.

A good action learning facilitator will hold several core skills and competencies, including:

  • Strong interpersonal or ‘people’ skills
  • Good teamwork skills
  • Communication and collaboration skills
  • The ability to give constructive feedback
  • Supportive and encouraging people management skills
  • Being a positive role model

As a facilitator in your classroom, your actions may include leading class discussions, asking driving questions, and encouraging students to share thoughts and ideas.

What are the components of an action learning project?

Now, let’s discuss some key components of action learning projects and how they apply to higher education.

Remember—these components don’t have to happen in any particular order. Teams will move in and out of each component as they work through a project, sometimes returning to a single component several times.


All action learning begins with a problem. The problem should be timely, important, and relevant to the team’s interests and goals.

For example, political science students may identify a pressing societal or business issue, such as a law they’d like to change or a local injustice. Whichever problem students choose, it should be something they feel passionate about and inspired to solve.

Action learning team

Action learning teams normally consist of four to eight people. The smaller the group, the more chance each person has to make an equal contribution—although you don’t want to go too small.

Ideally, teams should be large enough to include people from diverse backgrounds but small enough to make communication and teamwork easy.

Action learning projects team

Questioning & reflection

Reflection is a critical part of action learning. It enables learners to look back on their experience, identifying what went well and what didn’t. This process helps students learn from their mistakes, develop new skills, and gain critical insights into their weaknesses and strengths.

Action taken

This component involves teams taking action to solve the chosen problem. Team members should do more than brainstorm potential solutions or make suggestions; action should have a genuine impact.

For example, the politician science students mentioned above could take action by writing to their local political authority or gathering signatures on a petition.

Commitment to learning

Students must be committed to the learning process to achieve optimal outcomes. Thankfully, a learner-centred approach increases engagement, enthusiasm, and commitment.

The benefits of action learning projects in higher education

Action learning offers a broad range of benefits to students and educators in higher education, including:

  • Better retention rates
  • Improved learning outcomes
  • More diverse opportunities
  • Stronger connections with peers, leaders, and communities
  • Enhanced engagement and motivation

It’s also a fantastic way to build 21st-century skills (like critical thinking, creativity, and technological literacy) in your students, preparing them for career success after graduation.

How action learning can help develop future leaders

Action learning is a powerful technique for building leadership skills in your students.

When your students apply their knowledge to real-world contexts, they develop various skills critical to modern leadership, including problem-solving, decision-making, and collaboration.

This type of learning also encourages students to self-reflect and build self awareness—something future leaders must constantly do.

Developing leaders through action learning projects

How Practera’s project-based learning services can help

Practera’s project-based learning programs can help you deliver revolutionary active learning experiences in your classroom.

Practera helps educators build professional skills, experiences & connections for their students through authentic project-based learning. We help leading institutions around the world deliver high-quality industry projects at scale & cost-effectively. 

We have helped hundreds of universities and educators globally and empowered almost 1 million learners with industry-recognised career skills through our services and high-quality active learning authentic industry experiences and programs.

Using our platform, you can also access essential tools to streamline the delivery process, including pre-built templates, a detailed analytics dashboard, and a powerful AI-based support assistant.

To learn more about our services and how Practera can enhance learning outcomes in your classroom and build future leaders, connect with our team for a discussion or download our project-based learning white paper today. You can also trial our industry experience program for free for a short time here.

Boost your skills and employability with Practera and learn more about the importance of experiential learning today.


Powering Higher Education Student Employability With Project Learning & Award Winning Authentic Industry Experience Programs.

Powering Higher Education Student Employability With Project Learning & Award Winning Authentic Industry Experience Programs. Pilot Our Program For Free

The world is changing fast, and so is the workplace. By the end of 2022, 16% of the world’s companies will be 100% remote, while 85% of Managers believe remote working teams will soon become the new norm. The traditional educational approaches are no longer enough to prepare students for this changing landscape. Here at Practera, we understand the changing landscape and its need to equip educators to prepare students to gain skills employers are looking to recruit for & to escape the no experience, no job loop. 

With our authentic industry projects available to you through Practera Programs, delivering project-based learning and real industry experiences to your learners and preparing students for this changing future of work has never been easier! With the ability to scale the program to 100s of learners at low cost. Practera’s industry experience program puts your learners in direct contact with businesses to gain skills and experiences employers are recruiting. Rest assured, your students will be ready to enter the workforce with confidence & excel in their careers!

But don’t just take our word for it! We’ve powered two programs recently recognised at the PIEoneer Awards 2022. The WACE Global Challenge program won the Real Life Learning Award, whilst Study Australia Industry Experience Program was recognised as a highly commended Program in the Employability International Impact award.

To celebrate this achievement, we’ve introduced an exclusive offer for educators and universities to join our Pilot Program for free, Enrolling up to 10 students in an upcoming Practera’ Open Access’ program. The offer is available for a limited time until October 30th;- Expressions of interest to participate in this program can be made here.  

Enhancing Higher Education Employability with Experiential Learning

The world is changing fast—and so is the workplace. Traditional educational approaches are no longer enough to prepare students for this evolving landscape.

Today’s employers seek innovative graduates with 21st-century skills like confidence, creativity, and critical thinking. It’s vital to instil these skills to help your students excel in our dynamic working world—and experiential learning is the way to do it!

What is graduate employability?

Broadly, employability describes a person’s ability to find and keep a job. Graduate employability specifically refers to a learner’s career readiness and likelihood to impress employers following graduation.

But what makes a career-ready student?

Several scholars have attempted to define and measure employability. One 2018 study published in Frontiers in Psychology discusses the Bioecological Model of Employability and the Employability Appraisal Scale (EAS), which assesses employability’s social and personal aspects.

The Bioecological Model presents employability as a key element in recovering from economic crises, developing new career models, and enhancing the labour market. It suggests there’s more involved in employability than skills and experience—behaviours, thought processes, cultures, privileges, knowledge, and social attitudes are also deeply intertwined.  

Educators hoping to develop employability in their students must focus not only on skills and qualifications but also on exposing learners to meaningful, real-world scenarios and social challenges. 

The best way to achieve this goal is through experiential learning. We’ll go into more detail about this approach later in this article.

Higher education employability - graduate roles

Why does employability matter?

Employability is important for students, educators, and communities. It also plays a crucial role in how higher education institutions achieve positive graduate outcomes.

  • Helps students find and maintain employment after graduation
  • Improves educational experiences for students and educators
  • Enhances learning outcomes
  • Reduces delivery costs
  • Increases graduate labour market outcomes
  • Reduces unemployment levels
  • Enhances and upskills the labour supply

The working world’s ongoing transformation also plays a key role in the growing importance of employability. With remote work on the rise, competition is now global—and graduates need to work even harder to stand out amongst the crowd.

According to economist Enrico Moretti in The New Geography of Jobs, “in the coming decades, global competition will be about attracting innovative human capital and innovative companies … cities with a large percentage of interconnected, highly educated workers will become the new factories where ideas and knowledge are forged.”

Educators, then, must instil relevant 21st-century skills and provide meaningful experiences to help students become the innovative, interconnected workers of the future.

Want to learn more? Download the ‘Quality in Online Project-Based Learning’ white paper to see how top institutions are using experiential learning.

What employability skills are important?

Regardless of your student’s career goals, several skills are critical in building employability across all disciplines. Let’s discuss a few employability skills and why they matter now.


Problem-solving skills involve a student’s ability to identify, understand, and solve challenges. An individual with high problem-solving skills can find solutions to a given problem through a systematic approach, breaking down issues into smaller, digestible pieces.

There are two main categories of problem-solving: generic and domain-specific. Generic problem-solving skills focus on creativity, analytical thinking, and pattern recognition, while domain-specific skills include specialisations such as engineering design, science lab research, and interrogation techniques.

A highly employable graduate will exhibit both generic and domain-specific problem-solving skills. These abilities will help new employees tackle workplace challenges confidently, observing, judging, and acting quickly when issues arise.


Collaboration is critical for any organisation’s success. Brainstorming ideas and working as a team improves productivity and gives employees a sense of purpose, driving innovation and unlocking unique perspectives.

There are many ways to introduce more collaborative work into your classroom. For example, you could use work-integrated learning (WIL) to introduce your students to industry leaders, encouraging communication and reciprocal feedback similar to a real-world work environment.


People with strong decision-making skills can make quick, effective decisions with positive outcomes.

Workplace decision-making often involves input from different parties, including staff, customers, and stakeholders. Making decisions with so many different perspectives is difficult, so teaching your students how to use reasoning skills and intuition through vocational education is crucial.

Smart decision-making requires several related skills, including problem-solving, creative thinking, conflict resolution, and more. Again, the best way to teach these skills is through immersing your students in real-world scenarios where they must make genuinely impactful decisions.

For example, students engaging in a project-based learning task involving charity fundraising must work together to decide on the best course of action—how to raise funds, delegate tasks, and so on. The impact of the students’ decision-making will be quickly apparent in the outcome of their fundraising efforts.  


Communication skills enable graduates to excel in interviews and to share their knowledge, ideas, and needs in the workplace. It’s also crucial in building positive relationships with bosses, fellow staff members, clients, and customers.

The best way to develop communication skills in your students is to encourage them to do just that—communicate! The more opportunities students have to express themselves and connect with people from all walks of life, the better their communication skills will be. 

It’s also important to model effective communication skills in the classroom. Ask open-ended questions, foster class discussions, and reinforce active listening. Reflective learning —a key part of experiential education—can help students identify and address their strengths and weaknesses in communication.

Higher education employability - experiential learning within group projects

Valuable pedagogies for educators can use in higher education institutions

Now, let’s discuss some approaches you can use for developing student employability in your classroom.

Experiential learning

Experiential learning is a modern pedagogy focusing on the learner’s physical and emotional involvement in the subject. It involves applying classroom content to meaningful, real-world situations, often involving some sort of risk or challenge.

Educational theorist David Kolb developed his experiential learning theory in 1984. His model offers a foundational approach to all kinds of learning across cultures and disciplines, where students’ individual learning styles play a central role.

Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is a four-stage model that repeats itself indefinitely. The four stages are:

  • Experiencing
  • Reflecting
  • Thinking
  • Acting

While there are endless ways to use the experiential learning model in your classroom, there are some guidelines to follow. Experiential learning projects should be meaningful, timely, student-led, and relevant to course content.

Examples of experiential learning activities include field trips, peer-to-peer tutoring, case studies, role-play exercises, group projects, on-the-job training, and internships.

Project-based learning

Project-based learning (PBL) falls under the experiential learning umbrella. It focuses on students applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to real-world contexts.

Rather than centring on the outcome of a project, project-based learning is all about the process. Projects should be engaging, meaningful, and challenging, encouraging students to learn from their mistakes and explore growth opportunities.

Examples of project-based learning include:

  • Architecture students visiting a job site to measure topography
  • Computer engineering students designing and building an app
  • Hospitality students catering for an event
  • Art students planning and running a gallery show
  • Graphic design students creating and presenting a logo for a client

These examples all meet project-based learning criteria, which require a challenging problem or question, sustained inquiry, authenticity, reflection, and a public product. For example, art students running a gallery show aim to solve the question, ‘How can artists successfully market their work?’ 

PBL enhances several crucial employability skills, including teamwork, problem-solving, creativity, communication, critical thinking, and other hard and soft skills. Implementing this technique in your classroom is a surefire way to equip students with the core skills needed for success.

Work-based learning goals

Work-integrated learning (WIL) is another powerful approach to enhancing graduate employability. This kind of experiential learning focuses on immersing students in genuine working environments.

WIL offers many benefits for students and educators, connecting learners with industry leaders and teaching employability skills relevant to their desired careers. Educators can observe how well students perform in work-like settings and can easily identify areas for improvement.

There are many ways to implement WIL in tertiary education, including virtual and in-person internships, job simulations, student-led enterprises, entrepreneurship, service learning, work placements, and fieldwork.

How experiential learning can drive higher education employability

Experiential learning is the most effective approach to building employability skills and enhancing graduate attributes. Let’s discuss a few reasons why.

Real-world experiences

Many graduates leave university with skills and knowledge but little to no experience in the real world. This problem lends itself to the old catch-22 situation of needing the experience to find a job but needing a job to get experience!

Experiential learning solves this issue by providing students with real-world experience before entering the working world. This way, students know what to expect as they enter their careers with enthusiasm and confidence.

Active learning

Active learning involves students taking an equal role in the learning process. Rather than passively listening to instruction, students actively engage in class discussions and problem-solving.

According to a 2017 study published in Creative Education, active learning fosters a positive learning environment, facilitates direct interaction between students and lecturers, enhances communication skills, promotes open-mindedness, and encourages participation.

Using active learning techniques with your higher education students will increase knowledge retention and engagement in class content, helping you optimise and maximise your teaching efforts.

Collaboration and reflection

Collaboration and reflection are crucial aspects of career success.

Among other benefits, teamwork helps people solve problems, connect with workmates and clients, and be productive. Reflection enhances these benefits by identifying areas for change and improvement.

Teaching your students to collaborate and reflect through experiential learning will help them impress future employers and boost employment outcomes within your institution.

Higher education employability - collaboration in experiential learning

How Practera can help 

Practera’s project learning technology platform is your one-stop shop for planning, organising, and delivering transformative educational experiences. Our authentic student industry experience programs delivered through our platform help your learners and students build in-demand skills like virtual teamwork, communication and stakeholder management while working with real industry clients. The opportunities are endless in what can be achieved through our platform and partnerships. 

Our managed service for project-based learning offers high-quality education with real-world industry experiences. Start by connecting with our team today to adapt one of our Student Industry Project themes to your program such as growth strategy, technology innovation, sustainable impact, and more. With the freedom to decide the duration of the program, we’ll handle the work of setting up and connecting your project with industry clients!

By setting up your program on our platform, you have administrative access and live performance data to monitor your students and their process. Our service ensures full support throughout the program with a dedicated project manager as well as a certificate of completion for participating students.

The University of Sydney’s Business School recently used our platform to increase participation by 700% and enhance graduate employment by 300%. The higher education employability outcomes are clear—and delivery is simple with our extensive template library and custom experience design tools.

Download our experiential learning white paper today to learn more. Or, if you’re ready to get started, why not Pilot our Student Industry Experience Program for free?

Boost your skills and employability with Practera and learn more about the importance of experiential learning today.

The Future of Leadership: How Your Students Can Prepare for a Changing Workforce

With the advance in technology, the way we work is changing. By the end of 2022, 16% of the world’s companies will be 100% remote, while 85% of managers believe remote working teams will soon become the new norm.

The statistics are clear. There’s no denying the growing trends shaping the way we work today.

Today’s higher learning institutions must prepare students for the changing workforce by instilling 21st-century skills. This article will discuss one such skill—leadership, specifically virtual and hybrid leadership— and how and why the way we teach this skill should change.

This information and advice will help you give your students the tools they need to become career-ready and succeed in our new reality as future leaders.

What is the importance of leadership?

Leadership is the foundation of any organisation because good leaders have the power to shape the future of a business. Leaders can set clear directions and goals by creating a culture, vision, and mission.

A good leader will:

These steps are vital for creating a productive and efficient workplace with eyes to the future.

The changing working world means how we approach leadership is also shifting. Today’s leaders must foster a collaborative environment and encourage creativity and innovation—even in remote and hybrid spaces.

Future of leadership - experiential learning programs

What is the future of leadership, and what are the critical skills involved?

We know that effective leaders are empathetic, strong communicators who are generous with feedback. We also know that most Australians are reluctant to return to face-to-face work, meaning we must challenge the traditional leadership model that relies on controlled places, hours, and roles.

Adapting to a more humanistic work structure that relies on the flexibility of both time and place, a focus on strengths-based work, a human element, and decentralised decision-making is the way forward. According to PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2022, most Australians’ ideal work environment is a mix of face-to-face and remote working. 

The question here is: how do we build trust and connectivity with new leadership methods that don’t rely on the traditional techniques we’re accustomed to?

A true leader, and effective leader, leads by example. They’re invested in their team’s success, have open communication channels, are flexible and empathetic, and set clear goals and strategies to reach them. None of this is confined to the idea of a ‘workplace’. It is, however, part of a successful ‘workforce’.

Revolutionize your learners' employability at low cost and scale

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So how do we, as educators, prepare the next generation for this task?  

The answer is project-based learning and, in particular, virtual project-based learning. Project-based learning allows students to put theory into practice. It helps them foster the skills they need to lead in this new world of work.

Remote work experiences, whether in curriculum or extra-curricular, are no longer optional extras. They are just as relevant and essential (arguably more so) as the traditional face-to-face model. Our goal is to create employable graduates. And employable graduates don’t just survive in the hybrid world; they thrive. 

The new world of work is hybrid, and our next generation of leaders have an unparalleled opportunity to transform how we enter the workforce.

Want to reduce student costs by 90%? Download our ‘Quality in Online Project-Based Learning’ white paper to see how top institutions are doing it.

Challenges of traditional leadership strategy development

Traditional leadership is quintessentially autocratic and hierarchical. This approach falls in stark contrast to today’s methods, which focus on teamwork and clear, reciprocal communication.

Under a traditional leadership style, employees have little to no say in how an organisation progresses. This approach limits rapid growth and innovation, shutting down transformative ideas and fresh perspectives.

Modern leadership is reciprocal. Leaders provide support and guidance while employees confidently share ideas, suggestions, and concerns. This method creates a productive environment where all staff feel empowered and confident in their contributions, boosting motivation and propelling the organisation forward.

What is a hybrid working approach?

The hybrid working approach is a mix of remote and in-office work. Some companies allow workers to choose when to work from home and head into the office, while others set specific in-office hours or days. Other employers may require employees to enter the office for weekly meetings while working remotely.

This type of work soared in popularity at the tail end of the COVID-19 pandemic, creating a comfortable balance of work-from-home and office-based business.

Future of leadership - hybrid working approach

How hybrid working is changing the role of business leaders

The hybrid model is transforming how we work, including how we approach leadership. Let’s discuss this change in more detail now.

Inspiring workers

Hybrid work is increasingly popular with employees because of the flexibility the approach offers. Reduced commute times offer more freedom and a better work-life balance for workers, allowing them to dedicate more time to family, health, and leisure.

A worker free to take care of their emotional and physical well-being is more likely to perform well in the workplace—and know how to lead a team effectively.

Future leaders will share this positive outlook with other workers, inspiring them to reach higher and achieve more—inspiration is a key aspect of modern leadership.  

Building a virtual work culture

Employees still value a strong sense of culture and community in the virtual world. The need to bond over interests, attitudes, and perspectives is more important than ever.

Effective modern leaders will develop a fantastic hybrid work culture, fostering trust, respect, and success. The key here is for leaders to focus on points relevant to their company’s goals.

For example, good leaders will avoid micromanaging and using software to track team member behaviour for companies that value trust.


Gone are the days of the authoritarian leader telling everybody what to do and how to think. Today’s successful leaders are quite the opposite—empathetic, understanding people who treat employees equally and value their unique contributions.

Empathy and positive working outcomes go hand in hand. A recent Catalyst study found the skill drives better:

In the hybrid workplace, empathy is essential. Some employees may prefer to work from home, valuing the ability to set their schedule. An understanding leader will acknowledge this preference and allow employees to work in a way that suits them—leading to improved outcomes for the company.

What are the future challenges in leadership skills?

As the popularity of hybrid and remote work continues, future leaders will face a range of challenges. The best way to overcome these barriers is to understand how and why they might happen.

Communication is one of the most obvious challenges. When working from home, employees no longer have the option to drop by the boss’s desk to ask a quick question—instead, they must rely on digital channels to get their message across.

Leaders can tackle this problem by maintaining open lines of communication, such as through instant messaging software.

Similarly, leaders must learn how to keep diverse teams coordinated, which can be difficult with employees working in different spaces and even different timezones. Cloud-based work and project management software can make this easier.

Future of leadership - communication

How to prepare students for the future of leadership

The best way educators can prepare students for the future of leadership is to teach them practical skills in a real-world setting.

Project-based learning (PBL) is a powerful way to achieve this goal.

Through meaningful and relevant projects, students can exercise their developing leadership skills and learn to solve problems in real-time. Students will also develop critical Professional skills for effective leadership, including:

  • Confidence and assertiveness
  • Strong self-esteem
  • Ownership and responsibility for their work
  • An ability to manage feedback and criticism positively
  • Communication and interpersonal skills

For example, a student could take control of a fundraising drive for a local charity as part of their chosen project. This student will learn to manage and coordinate a group activity, interact with their community, and inspire others—key leadership skills.

PBL’s focus on the student’s voice and decision-making fosters creativity, independence, and understanding preparing students for the future leadership challenges discussed above.

How Practera can help

The King’s Careers Team were looking for virtual project learning opportunities that would grow their students’ future leadership and employability skills whilst also provide workplace insights and engage students with the industry. But managing real-world projects with industry clients is costly & difficult to do at scale. King’s Careers deployed multiple two-week virtual industry projects powered by Practera, in which student teams responded to client project briefs in a virtual environment.

Through Practera’s industry experience programs, not only did the students grow their virtual leadership and teamwork skills, but more than 87% of the student participants were willing to recommend the program to their peers, and 90% felt that the program had made a real impact on their employability skills.

Through Practera, your students can connect with local and global organisations to enjoy the same compelling and engaging experiences, building crucial skills for the future of leadership.

Our project learning platform and programs have all the digital tools and features you need to deliver transformative project-based learning experiences and give your students a competitive advantage in the workplace—including comprehensive analytics, 360-degree feedback, and detailed progress and performance tracking.

Download our ‘Quality in Online Project-Based Learning’ white paper to learn how top institutions are reducing student costs by 90%!

Download now

Why Experiential Virtual Reality Learning is a Game-Changer for Higher Education

Modern students are more immersed in technology than ever before, using it to study, work, socialise, play games, watch movies and TV shows, and so much more. 

Universities are taking advantage of this love of technology to create engaging learning experiences in the virtual world. Students can enjoy new and fascinating experiences across amazing digital landscapes through virtual reality hardware or VR. 

In this article, we’ll discuss how and why virtual reality learning has exploded in popularity in recent years. We’ll go into detail about its benefits before sharing how you can use the technology as a powerful educational tool.

What is virtual reality learning?

Virtual reality is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment. Using virtual reality hardware, users can interact with this image or environment in a believable way.

Augmented or mixed reality is a similar type of simulation that blends real and virtual worlds. A popular example is the mobile game Pokémon Go, which overlays 3D images of Pokémon characters over real environments.

Over the past few years, virtual reality learning has become increasingly popular in higher education settings, especially for training. Some universities use the software to teach students about complex topics like anatomy, chemistry, and physics—but it can also help with learning practical skills like cooking and furniture assembly.

The popularity of virtual reality learning in higher education will continue to rise as more institutions adopt this innovative approach.

virtual reality learning

How do learning and higher education institutions use virtual reality?

Virtual and augmented reality has a vast range of applications in higher education settings. It is especially useful for immersing students in environments they wouldn’t otherwise have access to, like visiting another continent through virtual field trips or flying a plane.

In 2020, the University of Nottingham introduced the first educational module taught entirely in VR. Each week, 50 engineering students visit a virtual ‘island’ for miniature lectures and seminars, helping them learn first-hand about VR’s applications in technology and product design.

In this way, VR is a fantastic option for bringing students together during remote and hybrid learning. University of Nottingham student Rebekah Kay embraced the “veil of anonymity” VR offers, encouraging students to share their views and speak up in class more confidently. Kay also enjoyed the engaging and immersive feeling of ‘in-person’ learning VR offers.

Universities around the globe have also used VR technology to:

  • Teach anatomy through a 360-degree video experience, allowing students to explore body systems through different angles and perspectives.
  • Offer virtual field trips to other countries, continents, or even planets.
  • Create a virtual laboratory environment where students can safely experiment with different equipment, chemicals, and solutions.
  • Relive historical events through immersive experiences like the BBC’s 1943 Berlin Blitz in 360˚.
  • Gamify the learning experience to keep students motivated and engaged.

Regardless of the subjects your students are currently studying, they’ll surely find some benefit in the captivating and immersive world of virtual and augmented reality.

How can virtual reality learning help higher education students?

Virtual reality in education can help students in diverse ways, from boosting engagement to creating unique and powerful learning experiences. From immersive storytelling to inspiring empathy and understanding, the educational benefits are endless! 

Let’s go into more detail about a few of them now.

Engages students

Virtual reality is a fantastic way to keep students engaged and focused during lesson time. 

There are many reasons why virtual and augmented reality is so engaging. Firstly, it creates a unique, novel experience distinctly different from what students are used to—and new activities are a powerful way to stimulate and inspire students’ minds.

Secondly, researchers have found that virtual reality can boost positive emotions and improve memory among young and bright students. According to a 2018 study published in Research in Learning Technology, students using VR reported higher engagement and an improved learning experience over non-VR users.

As we touched on in University of Nottingham student Rebekah Kay’s message above, the semi-anonymity of VR education can encourage shy students to speak up and become more engaged and focused in the classroom environment. The feeling of being fully immersed in the digital world also offers a significant engagement boost.

Want to learn more? Download the ‘Quality in Online Project-Based Learning‘ white paper to see how top institutions are using experiential learning.

Fosters learning through experience

Hands-on, experiential learning is one of the best ways to keep students engaged in classroom content. It also increases interest, promotes teamwork and communication, and helps students feel more confident and secure in their abilities.

Virtual reality also offers hands-on learning experiences where true physical interaction isn’t possible, covering everything from STEM education to humanities. For example, engineering students can safely explore the inner workings of industrial machinery, while culinary students can experience baking in a high-pressure kitchen environment.

Creates realistic experiences

Virtual reality has now evolved to a point where the line between the physical and digital worlds has blurred. Virtual experiences are convincing enough to offer the same benefits as genuine hands-on work.

Traditionally, educational simulations may have involved a student sitting in front of a screen and watching a video. The student may have used a controller or a series of buttons to interact with the screen.

With virtual reality, the student is fully immersed in the digital experience. They can turn their heads to explore the world, use their hands to pull a lever or flick a switch, and physically walk to move around the virtual environment. This level of interaction makes the virtual world feel significantly more realistic than a traditional educational simulation.

Realistic experiences with virtual reality learning

Encourages inclusive classrooms

Virtual reality is also paving the way for more inclusive classroom environments. Because of its highly immersive and adaptable nature, it can break down barriers and provide new opportunities for marginalised groups.

VR proponents have also highlighted its particular benefit for pupils living in isolated communities. They can use the technology to access support systems and build reciprocal relationships with other learners, educators, and employers.

Some developers have also created virtual reality applications and devices that can act as assistive technologies. This technology can help make physical environments more accessible for people with disabilities.

Promotes collaboration

Immersive education in VR provides unique opportunities for distance learners to connect and collaborate in real-time. Because of the realistic nature of the virtual world, working with other students can have the same authentic benefits as a real-world group activity.

Using collaborative VR software, students can meet in the virtual space, chat through speech or text, and even shake hands! Too, students can create an avatar to represent their likeness or express their creative thinking.

One example of a collaborative virtual reality tool is The Wild. In this immersive learning environment, engineering and architecture students can work together to design, analyse, and review projects. It is a powerful way for students to create and visually present models without needing to meet in person or invest in expensive tools and equipment.

Enhances creativity

According to recent research, VR technology is central in reshaping creative work among adults. As a brand new medium for creators to work with, it is likely to respin and redefine narratives students and educators have followed for decades.

In a virtual world, students are more likely to explore, experiment, and try new things without the fear of making mistakes. With no real-world implications if something goes wrong and no safety issues to worry about, truly, the creative opportunities are limitless.

Builds industry-ready students

Many higher education institutions now use VR to teach students job-ready skills. The technology is especially beneficial for any student learning to work in hazardous or inaccessible environments.

Virtual internship programs are one example of how VR boosts student employability. Through these opportunities, students can develop on-the-job skills without needing to actually be on the job! 

Because VR is so diverse, there’s no one way to deliver virtual work-integrated learning. Approaches can range from fully immersive programs extending over several weeks to single assistive modules to help students learn a particular skill.

For example, the Bank of America recently switched from traditional ‘click-through’ eLearning methods to virtual reality training. These VR experiences teach employees how to open accounts, conduct service calls, and other essential job skills

Students can use the same educational technology to build skills before entering their careers, impressing employers and giving them a serious leg-up over other applicants.

virtual reality learning makes industry ready students

Is virtual reality the future of education?

While virtual reality headsets first entered the consumer market in the early to mid-1990s, the technology saw an explosion in popularity in the late 2010s. Today, VR is available at an affordable price point, making it accessible to more students and learning institutions.

A 2019 study published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education found virtual reality technology could potentially play an integral role in future pharmacy education. Researchers noted that additional software and technological development are necessary for this to happen.

Another 2019 study published in the Future Healthcare Journal shows similar findings. According to medical education researchers, VR is a cost-effective and reliable way to deliver on-demand clinical training and reach learning objectives. The study noted that VR technology will transform how institutions deliver education to clinicians in the future.

It’s clear that virtual reality will enormously impact how students of the future learn. As technology develops, we’ll see more opportunities for these innovative devices to revolutionise education and training.

How Practera can help

Practera’s powerful experiential learning platform and managed services makes delivering immersive and engaging virtual reality learning experiences easier. Using the platform, you can author and seamlessly deliver VR adventures custom-tailored to your student’s interests and needs. By connecting with our team, we can help connect your projects with industry leaders and support your students throughout the program with a dedicated program manager. 

Virtual internships are also one of Practera’s unique offerings that help students connect with employers and undertake remote hands-on learning. By connecting students with companies, Practera can help you deliver real-world experiences in a scalable, cost-effective way that is sure to engage students.

You can also easily measure student performance through the platform’s 360-degree feedback, pulse check, and analytics dashboard features. 

Ready to get started? Why not start a conversation with a member of our friendly team today? You can also request a platform demo or download our comprehensive white paper to learn more.

Boost your skills and employability with Practera and learn more about the importance of experiential learning today.

Learning Through Experience: The Value of Immersive Learning in University

Learning Through Experience: The Value of Immersive Learning in University

All educators know how difficult it can be to keep students motivated and engaged. The lack of real-world experience in traditional classrooms can lead to boredom and disinterest.

Today’s students long for more realistic, engaging content directly connecting to their coursework.

Thankfully, the immersive learning revolution is here. VR headsets, AR devices, and other tools give students a life-like experience with in-depth videos and simulations that drop them right into the action, creating a unique and unforgettable learning experience.

Are you ready to break up the monotony in your classroom and make learning fun again? This article will tell you everything you need to know about the value of immersive learning in university and how you can use the method with your students.

What is immersive learning?

Immersive learning is a process of teaching that engages learners in an interactive, experiential way. The process usually occurs in virtual and augmented reality environments, although there are other ways to apply the technique, such as through videos and simulations.

Immersive learning is a fantastic way to teach diverse skills, including public speaking, medical procedures, machine repair, and many more. Higher education institutions also use the method to teach more general topics like literature and history.

According to a 2007 study by the University of Wollongong, immersive learning aims to achieve something known as cognitive realism. 

In contrast to physical realism, cognitive realism describes a sensation that mirrors reality. While these sensations are not physically real, they are convincing enough to evoke genuine reactions in the brain. For example, a person riding a roller coaster in virtual reality may experience the same ‘stomach dropping’ feeling as they would during a real ride.

An immersive approach to teaching has many benefits for students and educators, including higher engagement, increased motivation, and improved learning outcomes.

Immersive learning

What does an immersive learning environment look like?

As mentioned above, immersive learning environments usually involve augmented reality, virtual reality, or other simulations. In a classroom, teachers will typically assign a VR headset or augmented reality device to each student—although many institutions choose to outsource.

Thanks to the power of modern technology, there’s no limit to how immersive learning environments can look. Pop on a VR headset, and you can find yourself in another country, another planet, or another universe entirely!

Many immersive learning environments aim to simulate a scenario relevant to a particular set of skills. For example, engineering students would benefit from interacting with 3D models on a virtual construction site. This approach eliminates expensive equipment costs and the danger of working in hazardous environments.

Types of immersive learning technology

Now, let’s go into more detail about the different kinds of immersive learning technology and their higher education applications.

Virtual reality

Virtual reality describes a computer-generated simulation of a 3D image or environment. Using a headset or a similar device, users can interact with the environment in a seemingly real, physical way.

Most virtual reality devices have additional peripherals allowing users to interact with the simulated environment. These peripherals include handheld controllers, treadmills, and wristbands. Users can also move around in the virtual world by walking within a defined area.

Today, people typically interact with virtual reality technology in the form of gaming.Virtual reality games involve everything from exploring a simulated world to shooting enemies.

Increasingly, however, universities and colleges are using the same immersive technology to provide unique educational experiences, including:

These virtual experiences allow students to interact with hazardous or otherwise inaccessible environments by moving, touching, looking, and listening—much like they would in the real world.

Want to learn more? Download the ‘Quality in Online Project-Based Learning’ white paper to see how top institutions are using experiential learning.

Augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a hybrid approach that involves adding a digital ‘layer’ to the physical world. Rather than replace the real world with a simulation, as virtual reality does, AR enhances a person’s current perception of reality.

AR works by superimposing computer-generated, 3D images over a user’s view of the world—usually through mobile devices such as a smartphones or tablets. This creates a composite outlook where virtual and physical reality blend together.

Augmented reality has many applications within the educational sphere. Students can use the technology to visualise anatomy, experience historical events, build 3D models, and much more.

Mixed reality

Mixed reality (MR) combines physical and virtual space, like augmented reality. It usually requires a headset that projects live images onto the physical plane and unlocks meaningful interactions.

Mixed reality is a unique and exciting way to experience life. It unlocks intuitive and novel ways for people to interact with the world around them. 

While augmented reality involves superimposing 3D images over the physical world, mixed reality takes things further, creating an entirely new environment where physical and digital objects co-exist.

The most popular example of MR is the Microsoft HoloLens headset. These ‘smart glasses’ allow users to collaborate with remote colleagues, complete tasks with voice commands and hand tracking, and access real-time information.

In the educational sphere, MR can help students:

  • Visualise and interact with architectural models
  • Undergo immersive physician training with holographic patients
  • Explore the night sky and identify planets, satellites, constellations, and stars
  • Improve public speaking skills
  • Connect remotely with educators, peers, and potential employers

360° film

360° film is a highly effective immersive learning method that doesn’t require specialised technology; you only need a smartphone, computer, tablet, or TV. It is an engaging form of storytelling that allows the viewer to explore the artificial environment from any angle.

Like the other immersive experience technologies, 360° has many applications, including military training, journalism, and entertainment. During the video experience, users can move their phone or mouse to explore different parts of the scene, so it feels like they’re there!

A 2021 study published in Smart Learning Environments found that 360° video benefits students and educators, enriching the learning experience, satisfying emerging educational needs, and increasing motivation and active participation.

360 immersive learning

What’s the difference between immersive and experiential learning?

By this point, you’ve likely connected immersive and experiential learning. And we can’t blame you! The two techniques share the same goal—to increase engagement by involving students in meaningful, real-world scenarios.

We can consider immersive learning as a branch of experiential learning, along with work-integrated learning, project-based learning, and other similar pedagogies.

Its virtual nature is the key point differentiating the immersive learning experience from other experiential learning methods. It involves using technology to simulate real-life scenarios, while the other methods involve physical interaction with the outside world.

How can focused immersion improve learning in higher education?

While immersive learning is wholly virtual, it still offers many of the same benefits as other experiential learning techniques. Let’s go into more detail about some of these benefits now.

Fosters learning through experience

Learning through experience is crucial for university students. It allows them to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios and realise the genuine impact of their work.

Virtual and augmented reality lets learners experience lifelike scenarios where physical interaction isn’t possible, such as hazardous or distant environments. Because there’s no need for specialised equipment, it’s also much more affordable and accessible for universities.

Creates a distraction-free environment

One unique benefit of immersive learning is its ability to plunge students into an entirely different world—a place free from noise, chaos, and other distractions. With their headset, students can become completely immersed in the virtual environment and focus on the task—leading to higher knowledge retention and a better learning experience overall.

Promotes user-centred learning

User-centred learning is a teaching process that makes the student the focus of the educational experience. It ensures each student achieves their unique learning objectives and desires by considering their unique strengths—and, according to a 2004 study, is a fantastic tool for building student commitment and engagement.

Thanks to immersive learning’s versatility—and its avatar-creation features—every student can enjoy a personalised experience relevant to their needs.

Improves knowledge retention

Knowledge retention describes a student’s ability to retain and recall knowledge. It is an essential skill for students hoping to succeed in university, pass exams, and impress future employers.

A 2018 study on virtual reality learning found, compared with traditional instructional methods, that immersive education enhances spatial interaction capability and promotes knowledge retention among adult trainees.

Immersive learning strategies

Immersive learning strategies can boost engagement and motivation. Give these tips a try to implement immersive learning in your classroom!


According to the Entertainment Software Association, 67% of American adults regularly play video games. It’s fun, rewarding, and motivating—three factors we need more of in education!

Gamification aims to enhance the learning experience through rewards, points, and other game-like features. Immersing your students in virtual learning games encourages participation, boosts engagement, and sends motivation through the roof.


Simulations are a fantastic way to provide students with real-world experience without needing to leave the classroom. It’s an especially great method for building employability skills by immersing students in a virtual workplace.

Educational simulations can also build soft skills such as empathy, as a 2014 study on nursing students undertaking virtual patient interviews found.

You can offer simulations in your classroom by designing relevant instructional scenarios and enhancing them through augmented, virtual, or mixed reality tools.

Realistic experiences with virtual reality learning

Virtual reality

While delivering virtual reality experiences in your classroom may seem out of reach, it is now more accessible thanks to organisations offering discounts and funding for universities. 

You can also use mobile VR headsets connecting with a student’s smartphone, significantly reducing costs.

How Practera can help

Practera’s immersive learning platform has all the features you need to seamlessly design and deliver powerful immersive learning experiences. Using our specialised tools, you can achieve everything from creating custom learning pathways to accessing real-time analytics about student performance. When connecting with our team to access our project-based learning managed services, not only can we connect your students with global leaders to engage in real-world experiences, our platform also ensures you can monitor and track student progress throughout the course of their program.

It’s easier than ever to measure performance with the platform’s smart progress tracking tools and 360° feedback features—all of which you can access through our intuitive mobile or web apps anytime.

To learn more about Practera’s innovative platform as well as our managed services, connect with our expert team for a discussion or download our detailed experiential learning whitepaper.

Boost your skills and employability with Practera and learn more about the importance of experiential learning today.


Growing Trends in Higher Education and How Experiential Learning Can Help

Growing Trends in Higher Education and How Experiential Learning Can Help

Higher education is undergoing major changes. With the post pandemic, the growth of AI and machine learning, and an ever-changing social and political climate, students have different expectations and needs than just three years ago.

As educators, it’s important to be aware of these trends to provide the best opportunities and achieve optimal outcomes for our students. It’s also essential to know why these trends occur and how to tap into them.

Thankfully, this article is here to help you! Below, we’ll discuss some growing trends in higher education, what they mean for students and educators in colleges and universities, and how you can use a modern technique known as experiential learning to stay ahead of the game.

How is higher education and learning changing?

With technological advancements, societal changes, and the growing number of student enrolments, the higher education sector—and the way we teach—is changing significantly.

What we once saw as a privilege is now necessary for success in today’s economy. As such, higher education institutions such as colleges and universities are responsible for teaching more than industry-specific knowledge—they must also focus on equipping students with 21st-century skills like critical thinking, learning agility, and information literacy.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve also seen a major shift towards online and blended education. These options offer more flexibility for students but require specific steps to ensure students remain engaged with class content, transforming higher education overall.

active learning higher education classroom

What are current issues in higher education?

As we’ve collectively moved towards an online or blended learning environment, many institutions – including universities and educators – have identified several issues and barriers impacting student outcomes.

According to a 2018 study published in Computers in Human Behaviour, modern universities turn towards a student-centric approach. This approach focuses on understanding student learning experiences more deeply, which stems from a lack of personalisation in traditional university and college education settings.

A 2019 study by the University of Wollongong also found that students face social, cultural, and economic factors influencing their ability to succeed in education.

These issues and barriers point to a common solution—higher education needs to focus on students as individuals, tailoring learning experiences to their personal, social, emotional, and cultural needs. According to a 2020 study, educators should also focus on relevant material and active student participation to achieve optimal outcomes in the current higher education landscape.

What are the growing trends in higher education?

Now, let’s dive into some rapidly growing higher education trends and discuss why you might choose to implement them in your classroom.

  1. Flexible and online learning

Flexible and online learning is an educational model that enables students to learn without being tied to a specific time or place. This model saw exceptional growth over the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to rise in popularity.

You can deliver this type of education in many ways, including asynchronous and synchronous methods. The asynchronous approach is the most common, where students have no set schedule for completing their work. They can study at their own pace while managing outside commitments. This is not limited to just online courses or online degrees.

Synchronous learning requires students to log on and participate in an online teaching class at a set time. This approach is great for enabling students to collaborate in real-time, but it is less flexible.

Flexible and online learning is beneficial because it is accessible for all learners, including international students, and can reduce university and college costs for low income students or those who can’t afford traditional schooling and lower their student debt.

Want to learn more? Download the ‘Quality in Online Project-Based Learning’ white paper to see how top institutions are using experiential learning.

  1. Active learning

Active learning is a teaching technique focusing on a student’s active participation in the lesson. It involves providing students with opportunities to independently answer questions and solve problems, rather than passively listening to a teacher.

Active learning is effective in improving student outcomes across many subjects. Among other benefits, it helps students retain information, achieve better results, and stay engaged with classroom content, aiding student success overall.

  1. Formative assessments

A formative assessment intends to evaluate a student’s understanding of a given topic and provide feedback. Quizzes, tests, and homework questions are common approaches you can use.

Formative assessment aims to identify what students know, what they don’t know, and what they might need extra support with. Teachers can use this information to readjust their curriculum plan or educational approach to suit each student’s needs and benefit student success.

  1. AI for learning

AI has developed in leaps and bounds over the past few years—so much so that it’s now a fantastic way to enhance learning outcomes in higher education.

Some common ways to apply AI in learning include:

  • Autonomous learning through chatbots and similar tools,
  • Providing personalised and structured feedback,
  • Delivering adaptive learning experiences,
  • Personal learning assistants,
  • Automatically adjusting difficulty based on individual student progress.

By working in tandem with AI tools, educators can better understand their student’s needs and access evidence-based suggestions.

  1. VR experiences

Virtual Reality or VR is a technology designed to create immersive experiences. Many industries have adopted it to engage and entertain users, and education is no exception!

In higher education settings, educators can use VR to provide students with interactive experiences where they can explore different environments and learn more about the world around them. It’s also great for training simulations in healthcare, aviation, military, and construction.

active learning higher education vr learning

  1. Upskilling and skill credentialing

More than ever before, higher education institutions need to prepare students for success after they finish their university or college degree. With current trends and growing demand for job opportunities, this means graduates need specific skills and knowledge to reliably find work in the job market.

Upskilling is a career development process that helps students develop and improve skills necessary to be competitive in the workforce. Similarly, skill credentialing involves certifying skills for specific industry roles.

Many colleges and universities are now offering certification programs to help students acquire these qualifications and become highly employable whilst also remain relevant.

  1. Coaching to help students

Coaching is a fantastic way to provide more students with one-on-one support in areas they need extra help. Coaches may be professionals employed by a university or more experienced students acting as mentors.

Coaching programs can help students reach their academic goals by providing a personalised and comprehensive support system. These programs can also allow university and college students to develop job-ready skills like time management, goal setting, and leadership.

What is experiential learning?

Experiential learning is a process in which learners are actively engaged in meaningful, often hands-on experiences. Based on research, students learn best when involved in authentic activities and solving real-world problems.

The approach stems from educational theorist David A. Kolb’s experiential learning model, which he represented as a four-stage learning cycle:

  1. Active experimentation
  2. Concrete experience
  3. Reflective observation
  4. Abstract conceptualisation

Kolb and other educational leaders point out that effective learning occurs when a student progresses through each cycle stage.

There are many ways to deliver experiential learning in higher education settings, including:

  • Excursions and field exercises
  • Hands-on experiments
  • Internships and work placements
  • Study abroad experiences
  • Practicums

Your methods to deliver experiential learning will depend on your goals, available resources, and each student’s learning style.

How can experiential learning help?

Experiential learning is a pivotal way to meet these growing trends in higher education, whether it be private colleges, community colleges, public universities, or private institutions. Let’s discuss a few reasons why.

Flexible, personalised learning

Two key aspects of experiential learning in colleges and universities focus on providing flexible and personalised learning experiences. Students can choose topics or subjects they’re interested in and want to learn about, and teachers can tailor activities and lessons to suit each individual’s needs. This also allows for competency based education which is important with current trends such as self-paced learning, mental health challenges, college closures, and other barriers formed by the pandemic.

Experiential learning also offers:

  • Learning opportunities relevant to student goals,
  • Culturally diverse and inclusive experiences,
  • Both on-campus and online education opportunities.

Industry experience and upskilling

Work-integrated learning is a branch of experiential education perfectly suited for upskilling and building industry knowledge. This ties into the ‘concrete experience’ section of Kolb’s experiential learning cycle.

Students can get a headstart and develop skills sought after by employers through highly relevant activities like volunteering opportunities, work placements, and internships. These experiences also provide opportunities for students to meet and form lasting connections with industry and university leaders.

Real-time coaching and feedback

The second step of Kolb’s learning cycle is ‘reflective observation’, which involves learners reflecting on their experiences and identifying gaps between experience and understanding.

Teachers and industry leaders can assist in this stage by offering real-time feedback and coaching, helping students continue to move in the right direction. For example, during a month-long internship, students, educators, and employers could set up a weekly Zoom meeting to discuss the student’s progress and address any questions or concerns.

active learning higher education coaching and feedback

What is the future of higher education?

Our expectations for the future of higher education are constantly evolving with an uncertain future. While we can’t predict changes with absolute certainty, we can make some informed conceptions with current global trends and education statistics.

The future of higher education is likely to be driven by technology—especially AI and machine learning. It will be more personalised and adaptive, with students learning at their own pace and avoiding the constraints and restrictions of a traditional college curriculum as we are seeing more nontraditional students enter the university system.

As higher ed institutions and universities continue to change and new education providers emerge, a 2020 article published in the New York Times identified several future trends for higher education. This includes lifelong transcripts for students, AI-based teaching assistants, and virtual reality. These trends all fall under the umbrella of experiential education.

How Practera can help

If you’re ready to jump on these higher education trends and deliver impactful experiential learning experiences to your prospective students, Practera is here to help.

Our fast-growing experiential education technology offers higher ed educators tools to keep up with trends, grow industry engagement, enhance graduate employability, and reduce delivery costs. With our project-based learning managed service, we can also help you implement valuable real-world learning experiences with global organisations to prepare your students for the workforce.

Using the software, you can deliver trending learning experiences like team projects, internships, simulations, and international experiences. Delivery is simple and easy thanks to the platform’s many helpful features, which include:

  • Custom experiences and workflows,
  • An extensive template library,
  • AI tools,
  • In-depth analytics,
  • Chat-based collaboration tools,
  • Detailed progress and performance tracking for formative assessment.

To get started, connect with the Practera team for a discussion or download our white paper to find out more.

Boost your skills and employability with Practera and learn more about the importance of experiential learning today.

Microlearning: The Key To Student Engagement

Traditional university classes and lectures can last for hours, with student interest and retention waning as time goes on. How can we help these learners stay focused?

Microlearning is the solution. This approach is gaining traction in higher education institutions worldwide thanks to its flexibility, affordability, and fantastic benefits for students.

This article will dive deeper into what microlearning is, how it works, and how you can deliver the experience to your students.

What is microlearning?

Microlearning—also known as microtraining in workplace settings—is a learning method involving short, frequent interactions. Today’s learning institutions increasingly use the approach combined with technology-assisted and mobile learning.

A microlearning course aims to provide learners with bite-sized pieces of content that are easy to consume and comprehend. This model stems from psychological research suggesting that grouping content into small, meaningful groups (known as chunking) improves learning and recall.

Microlearning courses typically last three to five minutes and focus on skill development regarding a single topic. Some common microlearning examples include:

  • Reading a short paragraph,
  • Writing a short poem,
  • Answering rapid-fire quiz questions,
  • Viewing flashcards,
  • Reading social posts on mobile devices,
  • Watching short microlearning videos.

Microlearning content is especially beneficial to students who struggle with distractions or lose focus during long teaching sessions. A short and snappy approach helps these learners stay on track and more easily retain information.

When applying microlearning, educators can adapt each small learning unit to learners’ individual ability levels, allowing them to work at their own pace. This is one of the approach’s major benefits.

Microlearning with flashcards

Why is microlearning important?

Through influences like social media and the broader internet, today’s learners have grown accustomed to consuming short bursts of information. Microlearning is an effective way to tap into this change and keep modern students focused and engaged.

According to a 2021 study published in the Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, microlearning inspired significant increases in learner satisfaction, engagement, and performance.

The study also highlights the barriers learners face in today’s ‘massified’ higher education environment and how microlearning aims to bridge this gap.

The benefits of microlearning for students

Microlearning offers students an enormous range of benefits, from keeping them engaged to encouraging self-paced learning. We’ll go into detail about some key advantages now.

Increases engagement

Student engagement can be intrinsic or extrinsic. We can further divide these classes into four categories: cognitive, emotional, volitional, and physical. Let’s break down these categories now.


Definition: Describes a student’s mental load and dedication to the current subject matter.

Microlearning outcome: The student easily dedicates mental energy to the short task without feeling drained.


Definition: Describes how the student connects to and how they feel about a subject matter.

Microlearning outcome: The student feels strongly connected to the meaningful topic.


Definition: Describes a student’s motivation for learning about a subject matter.

Microlearning outcome: The student is motivated to learn about a subject relevant to their interests and skills.


Definition: Describes a student’s physical participation in the activity and how this enhances the cognitive and emotional aspects of their learning.

Microlearning outcome: The student easily stays on-task and physically focused over the short period.

Microlearning must take a broad-spectrum approach, tapping into each category for microlearning to work effectively. The method works especially well in combination with other teaching approaches like project-based and experiential learning.

Want to learn more? Download the ‘Quality in Online Project-Based Learning’ white paper to see how top institutions are using experiential learning.

Improves knowledge retention

One major benefit of microlearning is its ability to significantly improve knowledge retention. There are a few reasons why the method works so well.

Firstly, breaking lessons down into bite-sized courses prevents cognitive fatigue—a type of exhaustion or tiredness that develops when a student’s mental energy wanes. Mental fatigue can prevent knowledge from passing from short-term into long-term memory, so the student absorbs less information.

With microlearning, students have time to stop and process information before moving to the next task, easing mental load and promoting stronger knowledge retention.

Microlearning also improves retention through spaced repetition—an evidence-based technique based on research showing that our brains retain information more easily when introducing intervals between study sessions.  

We can tap into this technique and boost retention by presenting information in small bits with gaps in-between.

Supports self-paced learning

All students have unique individual learning styles and study preferences. Because of microlearning’s flexible nature and low time commitment, the approach facilities self-guided and self-paced learning.

This way, learners can spend more time on subjects they struggle with while breezing through those they excel in.

Personalises learning experiences

According to a 2014 Taylor & Francis study, personalised or differentiated teaching is key for keeping students engaged. It’s all about tailoring learning experiences to individual student learning styles.

Because there are so many ways to implement microlearning experiences in the classroom, it’s easy to create personalised experiences for each learner.

Let’s use educational theorist David Kolb’s learning style model to form an example. A student with a Converging learning style, which focuses on abstract and interactive problem-solving, would benefit from quick, gamified learning tasks like maths quizzes or educational games.

Personalised microlearning

Makes learning flexible and accessible

Today’s students are busier than ever, taking on multiple responsibilities, including travel, work, and family commitments. Microlearning makes it easy for these learners to manage their time effectively.

Because microlearning is also easy to deliver online, it’s more accessible than traditional in-person training or on-campus education. Students can access lessons from home and complete them at any time, working smoothly around their busy schedules.

Saves time and boosts productivity

Because of microlearning’s minimal time commitment, it’s a fantastic way to boost productivity for teachers and students alike. Quick-fire teaching techniques can be just as effective as hour-long lectures or lessons—without the enormous time and resource commitment.

Is microlearning effective?

So, we understand the benefits of microlearning, but is it effective in real-world settings?

Well, according to a recent review by Federation University and Deakin University, the answer is a resounding yes!

The review, which reflected on microlearning research across six educational databases, found that microlearning is beneficial for objective and subjective student outcomes. The approach improved academic performance, participation, learning motivation, and student experience.

A 2018 study published in the International Journal of Education Research Review supports this suggestion. Among a class of Information Technology students, microlearning significantly improved engagement and long-term memory retention.

Microlearning has also found success in the workplace as an increasingly popular corporate training approach. Exposing students to the approach now will prepare graduates for similar learning experiences in the working world.

How to implement microlearning in a higher education setting

Microlearning is beneficial and easy to implement across degree specialisations. Here are some effective ideas to use in your classroom.

Gamified learning

Gamified learning is an instructional strategy that uses game mechanics and design principles to make learning more engaging and fun. Educators can apply the approach in many ways, including:

  • Rewarding points and badges for completing tasks,
  • Creating questions and missions for students to complete,
  • Using interactive educational games.

Many games are fast-paced and engaging, making them a great method for delivering microlearning experiences.


An infographic is a visual representation of information, including images, charts, and diagrams. They’re a fantastic tool for presenting complex information in a compact and easily digestible format.

Infographics are great for microlearning because students can scan over the graphic in minutes, absorbing vital information such as dates and statistics. The approach is especially effective for visual learners.

Social media

Naturally, social media and microlearning go hand in hand. From Twitter’s 280-character post limit to TikTok’s focus on short-form video content, the social sphere is about sharing information in quick bites.

Social media, then, is a great way to connect with students on a level they understand—tying into their intrinsic motivation. For example, YouTube is great for curating and creating video content to share with students, while TED-Ed is ideal for sharing short, animated lessons.

Social media is also amazing for—you guessed it—being social! It’s a powerful tool for keeping students connected and encouraging short, focused contributions.

Of course, it’s essential to ensure these social microlearning experiences integrate well with your class’s current learning objectives and work towards a specific learning outcome. The content you share should clearly relate to class content, have real-world relevance, and hold genuine meaning for each student.

Implementing microlearning

Challenges of microlearning

A recent study by the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, proposed a microlearning model designed to enhance and sustain student motivation and engagement. Researchers based the model on the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) of motivation, which suggests people are motivated to grow through certain innate needs.

According to the SDT, the three core needs for enhancing motivation are competence, relatedness, and autonomy. To build an effective microlearning strategy, educators must ensure these three needs are met.

The simplest way to achieve this goal is to collaborate with students on microlearning activities, allowing them to guide their own experiences. This way, students can select topics and enjoy learning skills relevant to their interests.

How Practera can help

Practera’s innovative experiential learning platform and project-based learning managed services makes delivering effective microlearning activities easier than ever.

Practera supports microlearning experiences through its powerful digital tools, including chat-based collaboration software, quick content authoring, and gamification features. With so many options, it’s easy to mix and match activities that tie into every student’s unique learning style. You can further personalise each student’s experience with our custom workflow tools and adaptive learning paths—and keep them informed and engaged with our mobile app’s push notification features.

We also support helping your students gain real-world microlearning experiences with our managed services, helping you connect with global organisations to deliver effective programs with relevant projects that best suit your needs.

To get started with Practera, start a conversation with our team today or download our comprehensive white paper to find out more.

Boost your skills and employability with Practera and learn more about the importance of experiential learning today.

The Value of Active Learning: Higher Education

The Value of Active Learning: Higher Education

Students who are active and engaged in class are more likely to excel academically—and find work after graduation. They also form stronger bonds with teachers and peers and retain more knowledge.

As educators, how can we maintain participation and engagement across diverse learners?

Active learning is one powerful solution. This strategy gets students from all backgrounds thinking critically, collaborating, and learning about meaningful real-world topics.

This article will discuss active learning and why it’s so beneficial. We’ll then offer some strategies you can use to apply the approach effectively in your classroom.

What is the active learning process?

Active learning is a teaching technique that engages students in the learning process, involving them in solving problems and generating knowledge. It is widely used in primary, secondary, and higher education because of its effectiveness compared to traditional methods like lecture-based instruction.

Through active learning, higher education institutions aim to engage learners in acquiring knowledge rather than presenting them with information. This approach benefits both teachers and learners because it fosters increased understanding and retention of class topics and materials whilst allowing students to generate new ideas and apply knowledge during class time.

Creating excitement about active learning approaches is easy through activities like:

An important element of active learning activities is collaboration and involving students working together to explore and review topics. This process can be a comprehensive measure to help students identify their own knowledge gaps and build critical interpersonal skills necessary for success after graduation.

active learning in higher education

What are the key principles of active learning?

There are no set guidelines for active learning, but we can identify some key principles that will help you get the most out of this approach.

  • Meaning and relevance: The educational content must hold some personal meaning for each student and be relevant to real-world scenarios and complexities.
  • Groupwork: Generally, students will work as a group to negotiate goals, identify knowledge gaps, and evaluate content.
  • Critical reflection and analysis: Students will critically evaluate their approach to understanding the topic and look for possible gaps. They will also analyse and reflect on the meaning of their learning.
  • Engaging content: The content must be engaging and interesting to each student. Meaningful, timely, and relevant content is generally more engaging, especially when students can explore the information in their own learning style.

What is active learning in higher education?

Active learning activities in higher education are similar to those in other educational settings, although outcomes are more job-focused. The general goal is to instil crucial 21st-century skills like active learning and participation, differing greatly from traditional lecturing.

Class discussions are a common form of active learning used in universities and higher education institutions around the globe. The Socratic Method is a popular approach that involves a teacher asking probing questions to stimulate deeper thinking and require students to draw out ideas.

A teacher might ask questions like:

  • What do we already know about this subject?
  • What assumptions have we made?
  • Why did we come to this particular conclusion?
  • What would be a relevant example?
  • What would be an alternative option?

These questions encourage students explorations to use higher order thinking skills and engage actively in classroom discussions.

Want to learn more? Download the ‘Quality in Online Project-Based Learning’ white paper to see how top institutions are using experiential learning.

Why is active learning important?

Active learning is important for several reasons. While it can help prepare graduates for the workplace and achieve learning outcomes, it’s also a crucial skill for understanding broader aspects of society.

According to a 2017 study published in Creative Education, active learning can also help students retain and understand class content. The study also found the approach fosters a more positive learning environment, promotes open-mindedness, enhances communication skills, and encourages participation.

We’ll dive further into the endless benefits of an active learning classroom in the next section of this article.

The benefits of active learning in higher education

Active learning approaches offer a host of benefits for university students, especially through dedicated teacher education. These benefits will improve a student’s learning experience and provide them with invaluable skills for success in work and later life.

Improve engagement

One of the key goals of active learning approaches is to create more engaged learners. With this approach, students no longer learn passively through observation. Instead, they think actively about a topic relevant to their interests and get deeply involved in relevant, real-world discussions.

According to a 2020 study published in the International Journal of Mathematical Education and Technology, active learning successfully increased the average results and passing rates of a group of algebra and business calculus students. The paper attributed this success to increased student engagement.

Build knowledge through experience

We can consider active learning a branch of experiential learning—an instructional pedagogy focusing on building knowledge through experience. The approach typically involves students engaging in research, analysis, and reflection in a meaningful, real-world setting.

Active and experiential learning go hand-in-hand. For the experiential learning approach to succeed, all the students must be actively involved in exploring and understanding course content.

Role-playing is a great example of the power of active, experiential learning. It facilitates learning real-world skills like teamwork and negotiation while providing opportunities for teaching critical reflection and observation.


Collaboration is a key aspect of active learning and a powerful tool for boosting motivation, engagement, and educational outcomes. When students work together with peers or under peer instruction to understand a topic, they can share perspectives and ideas to gain deeper insights.

Collaborative active learning can also come in the form of class discussions, where teachers and students explore a topic together through probing and clarifying questions, or even tutoring peers.

According to a 2011 study published in Procedia’s Social and Behavioural Sciences, significant social, psychological, and academic benefits occur when students learn actively. These benefits include:

  • Students gain improved critical thinking skills,
  • A strong social support system for learners,
  • A deeper understanding and diversity among staff and students,
  • Better classroom results,
  • Students achieve active involvement.

Critical thinking

Critical thinking skills help students make informed decisions and solve problems logically. The skill is all about assessing information independently, weighing evidence, reasoning, and making sound judgments—all of which are crucial elements in active learning.

As educators, we can foster these thinking skills in students by asking questions that reinforce conceptual understanding and encourage reasoning. Some effective methods include running interactive group discussion sessions, hosting debates, and performing brainstorming exercises.

Creativity and innovation

A student’s creativity stems from their ability to ask questions about the world around them and explore unique perspectives. Active learning encourages these behaviours, making it the perfect conduit for creating and innovating.

The best way to build creativity and innovation within your students is to encourage independent thinking and risk-taking. Invite your students to explore uncharted possibilities and tackle questions from unusual angles—even if they seem ludicrous!

active learning in higher education

Best active learning strategies for higher education

There are seemingly unlimited ways to implement active learning strategies in the classroom. To simplify things, here are a few tips to help you get started.

Focus on feedback and reflection

Unlike passive learning, active learning is most effective when it involves detailed reflection, analysis, and feedback. Ideally, this feedback will come from multiple sources—the students themselves, peers, and educators.

In an active learning environment, feedback is constant and immediate, helping students learn and better understand course material and correct misconceptions. Feedback can also help teachers with formative assessment and determine a learner’s level of understanding and plan steps to help them achieve their desired outcomes or goals.

Facilitate discussion and participation

Class discussions are one of the most effective ways to implement active learning in higher education. Regular interaction and discussing ideas with teachers and peers fosters a sense of classroom community, which can increase engagement and motivation. This is unlike passive learning where ideas are internalised.

Use gamified learning techniques

Gamified learning is an instructional strategy that uses game-like elements in teaching and training. These teaching approaches motivate students to learn, stay engaged, and retain information more effectively.

Gamification can create learners’ more active and engaging experience through features like points, levels, leaderboards, rewards, and badges. Gamified systems, such as educational quiz apps, reward desired behaviours with this type of feedback.

You can gamify your university classroom by:

  • Playing digital quizzes and games like Quizlet or Kahoot!,
  • Creating adventure quests and missions,
  • Playing or designing educational board games,
  • Adapting traditional games like bingo or scavenger hunts for classroom use.

Remember—the rewards your students receive should be relevant to their personality and interests for maximum engagement. Some students may like to collect badges, while others might feel driven by the race to the top of a leaderboard.

active learning in higher education

Challenges and barriers to active learning

While active learning’s effectiveness has been proven repeatedly, some barriers can prevent university educators from achieving optimal outcomes.

According to a 2010 study published in College Teaching, the barriers university teachers face in delivering active learning fall under three categories:

Pedagogical issues

These issues can include problems with identifying students’ unique learning styles, fostering motivation and self-esteem, and managing large classes.

Issues directly impacting faculty members

Educator-centric problems include lack of time and resources, coming up with varied ideas, and taking risks.

Student characteristics

Some students may have behaviour problems or cognitive differences that can affect the delivery and outcome of active learning experiences.

Since the benefits of active learning outweigh the challenges, it’s worth taking steps to overcome these obstacles. According to the College Teaching study, educators can tackle these challenges through a student-focused approach, experimentation, and determination.

How Practera can help

Practera’s experiential learning platform makes delivering winning active learning experiences easier than ever. The platform provides many useful tools to help university educators create powerful custom learning pathways and activities.

Practera can help with active learning delivery through its intelligent analytics and collaboration tools as well as our project-based learning managed service. Using the software, you can access real-time insights about student performance, track progress, and share 360-degree feedback from a single pane. By connecting with our team, we also offer services to help connect you and your students with global leaders for real-world projects and experiences, with access to performance dashboards to monitor progress.

The platform also has a built-in user activity tracker, and a pulse check feature, allowing you to easily follow and manage student engagement and participation.

To get started with Practera, start a conversation with a member of our friendly team today—or download our detailed white paper to find out more about what the platform and our dedicated team can do for you.

Boost your skills and employability with Practera and learn more about the importance of experiential learning today.


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