Study Australia

Industry experience program

Program Overview

Study Australia Industry Experience program brings together international and domestic tertiary student teams from across Australian institutions to work on real industry projects with Australian and global employers for a two week period.

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For Businesses

Complimentary assistance for your business with two-week virtual projects conducted by a diverse team of tertiary students

  • High-quality outcomes: Save money on market research and receive a tailored report for your business
  • Fresh insights: Get a new perspective on a pressing problem from diverse, multinational Gen Z teams
  • Low overheads: 100% virtual project, no office space required
  • No cost to participate: Engage with a student project team and help them prepare at a charge
  • Government-Backed: Endorsed by the Australian government to enhance students’ employability upon graduation

For Education Providers

A flagship national Study Australia program to engage international students with Australian and global employers

  • Discounted Student Placements:  Special subsidized rates are available for universities and higher education providers to trial the program for their students. Get in touch with us to explore how your institution can participate
  • Short-form: a two week, 25 hours online, co-curricular industry projects
  • Multidisciplinary teams: Engage in multidisciplinary students teams from different universities across the country.
  • Recognition:  Australian Government digital certificate is awarded upon completion
  • Program Support:  Additional support and streamlined delivery from the Practera programs team


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Businesses FAQs

You will get a team of 5 – 6 students, all studying different disciplines. Some will be Masters students, others Bachelors.

The majority of students will be studying a non-technical discipline e.g. marketing, business finance, accounting, international relations, policy, etc.

You are welcome to request 1-2 team members (per project) from a preferred discipline. To maintain diversity within teams, we will endeavour to match your request where possible. However, we cannot guarantee this as the student recruitment is done by institutions directly and the cohort may not have students from certain disciplines.

Upon commencement of the program, you will receive a virtual briefing from our Programs Team to understand the program structure and key dates. We will also provide you with our Industry Engagement Team’s contact details. If you feel that your student team is not engaged, we encourage you to raise that with us, as early as possible, so that we can intervene, reconnect students to the program and/or change student team structures to create more appropriate and engaged teams.

As a organisation/business, your time commitment is a minimum of two hours each week to ensure that your student team is on track with their report before the final submission and presentation.

No, the students work remotely and are not located at your offices.

  • Outline clear project requirements so that your report provides value
  • Set project outcomes that are achievable within a two week period
  • Ask for help if needed. If you’re not sure about what project type to choose, or how to define a scope, the Practera team are available at

Upon commencement of the program, you will receive a virtual briefing from our Programs Team to understand the program structure and key dates. We will also provide you with our Industry Engagement Team’s contact details. If you feel that your student team is not engaged, we encourage you to raise that with us, as early as possible, so that we can intervene, reconnect students to the program and/or change student team structures to create more appropriate and engaged teams.

Education Providers FAQs

The program is designed to be accessible to students across disciplines and is suitable for motivated tertiary students at any level. Students from all disciplines, different Australian institutions (on and offshore), and undergraduate and postgraduate  levels are encouraged to apply.

Each students commits to 20 hours of work over the two week period.They also commit to act as consultants and cater to the needs and schedules of their client. Collectively the student team will deliver 120+ hours to the project.

Yes, the program is delivered online via the Practera Platform. Orientation, Client meetings and final presentation will be facilitated via Zoom.

Students will attend a virtual orientation session that includes a client meeting, have access to project learning instructions, content and collaboration functionality through the Practera platform and work autonomously.  They can also reach out to Practera’s Program helpdesk to resolve any issues,  receive guaranteed feedback on deliverables and  a digital Australian Government certificate upon completion of the program.

Please email Practera’s Programs team at with any questions or issues you have.

No, this program has been run twice previously. It was successfully piloted in July 2021 with 219 students from 10 universities. Students gave the program 91% willingness to recommend and clients gave the program 87% willingness to recommend. Fantastic results! There is a cohort running over November/December 2021 with over 620 students from 27 institutions. Results will be updated on the website upon program completion’

